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Access this resource: European Respiratory Society publications
Description European Respiratory Society publications covers clinical and experimental work relating to all aspects of adult and paediatric respiratory medicine, including cell biology, epidemiology, immunology, oncology, pathophysiology, imaging, occupational medicine, intensive care, sleep medicine and thoracic surgery.
Subject area Health Sciences and Allied Health
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Other name ERS Monographs
  ERS Handbooks


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
European Respiratory Society Acute exacerbations of pulmonary diseases / Pierre-R?egis Burgel [and three others]
European Respiratory Society Alpha-1-antitrypsin defieciency / edited by Pavel Strnad, Mark L. Brantly and Robert Bals
European Respiratory Society Anti-infectives and the lung / edited by Stefano Aliberti, James D. Chalmers and Mathias W. Pletz
European Respiratory Society Antibiotics and the Lung : European Respiratory Monograph 28
European Respiratory Society Bronchiectasis / James D. Chalmers, Eva Polverino, Stefano Aliberti
European Respiratory Society Cardiovascular Complications of Respiratory Disorders
European Respiratory Society Clinical Exercise Testing / Paolo Palange, Pierantonio Laveneziana, J. Alberto Neder, Susan A. Ward
European Respiratory Society Community-Acquired Pneumonia / edited by James D. Chalmers, Mathias W. Pletz and Stefano Aliberti
European Respiratory Society Complex pleuropulmonary infections / edited by Gernot Rohde and Dragan Subotic ; editor in chief, Tobias Welte
European Respiratory Society Controversies in COPD / edited by Antonio Anzueto, Yvonne Heijdra and John R. Hurst
European Respiratory Society COPD and comorbidity / edited by Klaus F. Rabe, Jadwiga A. Wedzicha and Emiel F.M. Wouters ; editor in chief, Tobias Welte
European Respiratory Society Cystic fibrosis / edited by Marcus A. Mall and J. Stuart Elborn
European Respiratory Society Cystic Fibrosis
European Respiratory Society Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Exercise-Related Asthma, Respiratory and Allergic Disorders in Sports : European Respiratory Monograph 33
European Respiratory Society Difficult-to-treat severe asthma
European Respiratory Society ERS Handbook of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine
European Respiratory Society ERS Handbook of respiratory medicine / editors Paolo Palange and Anita K. Simonds
European Respiratory Society ERS handbook : respiratory sleep medicine / ed.: Anita K . Simonds, Wilfried de Becker
European Respiratory Society ERS Handbook : Self-Assessment in Respiratory Medicine
European Respiratory Society ERS handbook : self-assessment in respiratory medicine / editors Konrad E. Bloch with Paulo Palange and Anita K. Simonds