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Book Cover
Streaming audio
Author Yun, Isang, composer.

Title Kontraste ; Garak für Flöte und Klavier ; Flöten-Etüden III + 4 ; Fünf Stücke für Klavier ; Königliches Thema ; Duo für Viola und Klavier / Isang Yun
Published [Berlin] : Internationale Isang Yun Gesellschaft e.V., [2008]


Description 1 online resource (1 sound file)
Contents Garak (11:55) -- Kontraste (15:28) -- Etudes, no. 3 (3:13) -- 5 piano pieces (7:27) -- Etudes, no. 5 (6:03) -- Königliches thema (7:26) -- Duo for viola and piano (14:55)
Performer Aya Hemmi, piccolo ; Roswitha Staege, Andreas Kissling, flute ; Kolja Lessing, violin ; Hartmut Rohde, viola ; Randolf Stöck, piano
Subject Flute and piano music.
Violin music.
Piccolo music.
Piano music.
Flute music.
Viola and piano music.
Flute and piano music.
Flute music.
Piano music.
Piccolo music.
Viola and piano music.
Violin music.
Genre/Form Streaming audio
Form Streaming audio
Author Hemmi, Aya, instrumentalist
Staege, Roswitha (Flautist), instrumentalist.
Kissling, Andreas, instrumentalist
Lessing, Kolja, instrumentalist.
Rohde, Hartmut, instrumentalist.
Stöck, Randolf, instrumentalist
Container of (work): Yun, Isang. Garak.
Container of (work): Yun, Isang. Kontraste.
Container of (work): Yun, Isang. Etüden, flute. No. 3
Container of (work): Yun, Isang. Pieces, piano.
Container of (work): Yun, Isang. Etüden, flute. No. 5
Container of (work): Yun, Isang. Königliches Thema.
Container of (work): Yun, Isang. Duets, viola, piano.
Other Titles Chamber music. Selections