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History Sources

-- See Also the narrower term Archives

--subdivision Archival resources under topical headings and under names of countries, cities, etc.; and subdivision Archives under types of corporate bodies, classes of persons, and ethnic groups, and under names of individual persons, families, and corporate bodies for collections of documents or historical records, including notes, correspondence, minutes, photographs, legal papers, etc

-- See Also the narrower term Biographical sources

--subdivision Biography--Sources under names of countries, cities, etc., classes of persons, and ethnic groups; and subdivision History--[period subdivision]--Biography--Sources under names of countries, cities, etc. for collections or discussions of biographical source material about persons from those places, time periods, or groups

-- See Also the narrower term Charters

--subdivision Charters under names of states, counties and cities of the United States, and under indigenous jurisdictions in the United States; also under names of individual corporate bodies; and subdivision Charters, grants, privileges under names of foreign countries, cities, etc

-- See Also the narrower term Diplomatics

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