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Title Social security and human rights : social justice statement, 1946
Published Melbourne, Vic. : Australian National Secretariat of Catholic Action, 1946
Melbourne, Vic. : Truth and Sportsman Limited


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 ADPML SPPAM  261.8 Nat/Ssa 1946  LIB USE ONLY
Description [14] pages ; 21 cm
Series Social justice statement
Contents Men and their government -- The answer of the economic expert - full employment -- The methods of full employment -- The "Manpower budget" -- Social services instead of social justice -- The real cost of social services -- Their motives are good -- The solution lies in more widespread ownership -- A job alone is not enough -- Not one people--but two -- Freedom rests in productive ownership -- The case of the heavy industries -- The working proprietor is justified -- Economic superstitions -- What cannot be broken up -- The duties of the State
Notes Cover title
Subject Church and social problems -- Australia -- Catholic Church
Manpower policy -- Australia.
Unemployment -- Australia.
Full employment policies -- Australia.
Australia -- Economic conditions.
Author Catholic Action (Australia). National Secretariat