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Book Cover

Title Principal manifolds for data visualization and dimension reduction / Alexander N. Gorban [and others], editors
Published Berlin : Springer, 2007


Description 1 online resource (xxiii, 334 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Series Lecture notes in computational science and engineering ; 58
Lecture notes in computational science and engineering ; 58.
Contents Front Matter; Developments and Applications of Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis -- a Review; Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis: Neural Network Models and Applications; Learning Nonlinear Principal Manifolds by Self-Organising Maps; Elastic Maps and Nets for Approximating Principal Manifolds and Their Application to Microarray Data Visualization; Topology-Preserving Mappings for Data Visualisation; The Iterative Extraction Approach to Clustering; Representing Complex Data Using Localized Principal Components with Application to Astronomical Data
Summary In 1901, Karl Pearson invented Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Since then, PCA serves as a prototype for many other tools of data analysis, visualization and dimension reduction: Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), Nonlinear PCA (NLPCA), Self Organizing Maps (SOM), etc. The book starts with the quote of the classical Pearson definition of PCA and includes reviews of various methods: NLPCA, ICA, MDS, embedding and clustering algorithms, principal manifolds and SOM. New approaches to NLPCA, principal manifolds, branching principal components and topology pre
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes English
Subject Principal components analysis.
Statistics -- Graphic methods.
Dimension reduction (Statistics)
MATHEMATICS -- Graphic Methods.
Principal components analysis.
Statistics -- Graphic methods.
Mathematical Methods in Physics.
Numerical and Computational Methods in Engineering.
Análisis en componentes principales
Dimension reduction (Statistics)
Principal components analysis
Statistics -- Graphic methods
Form Electronic book
Author Gorbanʹ, A. N. (Aleksandr Nikolaevich)
ISBN 9783540737506