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Book Cover
Author Shakya, Mallika, author.

Title Death of an industry : the cultural politics of garment manufacturing during the Maoist revolution in Nepal / Mallika Shakya
Published New Delhi, India : Cambridge University Press, 2018


Description 1 online resource (xviii, 162 pages) : illustrations (black and white), 1 map (black and white)
Contents Cover; Death of an Industry; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Figures and Table; Abbreviations; Key Names; Acknowledgements; 1. Situating the Idea: Industry, Society and Development; Industry and development; Industry and society; A note on research, methodology and chapterization; Endnotes; 2. Nepal and Garments; Nepal; Garments; Situating Nepal within the regional and global discourses on garments; From shop floor ethnography to an ecology of work; Endnotes; 3. A Garment Industry Ecosystem; The readymade garment cluster in Nepal; The spatiality of factories and markets
The spatiality of textile and fabricThe spatiality of accessories; The spatiality of business networking: Garment Association of Nepal (GAN); Endnotes; 4. The Normality of Garment Making; Classroom learners and scientific mass manufacturing; The craftsmen and their ethnicities; The semiotics in garment making: being versus doing; From culture to market; Endnotes; 5. The MFA Expiry: A Garment Tsunami; Death in the factory: dasha; Garment 'going air': management reform as the last hope; 'It's the unions who shut down the factory'; Ethnicity and craft in the time of crisis
Weathering the storms of capitalismEndnotes; 6. Workers and Unions: Ethnicity and Class; Elite ideas about garment workers; Labour ethnography of the garment shop floor; Three phases of a Union movement; Early activism: a Union for workers; An interlude of Maoist politics; Collapse of the industry and the Union of workers; Class, culture, union; Endnotes; 7. Reconstituting the Garment Afterlife; Work and lif; Life beyond work; Rule; Synthesizing development with politics and culture; Endnotes; Bibliography; Index
Summary This book is about the death of the garment industry in Nepal and the Maoist-led labour uprising that followed
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 142-156) and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Clothing trade -- Nepal -- History
Clothing trade -- Political aspects -- Nepal
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Industries -- General.
Clothing trade
Nepal -- History -- Civil War, 1996-2006.
Genre/Form History
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781108579803