Administrative responsibility -- Brazil : Corruption and democracy in Brazil : the struggle for accountability / edited by Timothy J. Power and Matthew M. Taylor
Administrative responsibility -- Italy : Potere pubblico, rapporto amministrativo e responsabilita della p.a : l'interesse legittimo ritrovato / Gianmarco Poli ; prefazione di Paolo Urbani
Here are entered works on the personal liability of government officials to the state or to individuals for wrongful acts committed in office. Works on the liability of the state for wrongful acts of officials are entered under Government liability. Works on criminal offenses committed by government officials in the performance of their duties are entered under Misconduct in office. Works on offenses against professional ethics or against discipline are entered under names of countries, cities, government departments, etc. with subdivision Officials and employees--Discipline. Works on specific offenses are entered under the name of the offense, e.g. Bribery
Administrative responsibility -- United States -- Drama. : Fair game / Summit Entertainment and River Road Entertainment and Participant Media present ; in association with Imagenation Abu Dhabi ; a River Road/Zucker Productions/Weed Road Pictures/Hypnotic production ; produced by Bill Pohlad ... [and others] ; screenplay by Jez Butterworth & John-Henry Butterworth ; directed by Doug Liman