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Author Jonker, Louis C

Title Defining All-Israel in Chronicles : Multi-levelled Identity Negotiation in Late Persian-Period Yehud
Published Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2016


Description 1 online resource (377 pages)
Series Forschungen zum Alten Testament ; v. 106
Forschungen zum Alten Testament.
Contents Cover; Dedication; Preface; Table of Contents; Abbreviations; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 From Cinderella to Blossoming Field; 1.1.1 Paraleipomena and Early Studies on Chronicles; 1.1.2 Historical Reliability of Chronicles?; 1.1.3 Composition History of Chronicles; 1.1.4 The Nature of Chronicles; 1.1.5 Ideology and Rhetorical Aim(s) of Chronicles; 1.2 From Re-interpretation, via "Reforming History", to Identity Negotiation; 1.2.1 Chronicles as Re-interpretation of Older Historiographical Traditions; 1.2.2 Chronicles as "Reforming History"; 1.2.3 Chronicles as Identity Negotiation
1.3 "Identity" as Heuristic Category1.3.1 Studies on Identity in Chronicles; 1.3.2 Studies on Identity in Other Textual Corpora; 1.3.3 Problematising "Identity" as Heuristic Category in Biblical Studies; 1.4 Aim and Structure of This Book; Chapter 2: Approaching "Identity" in Persian-Period Literature; 2.1 Methods Matter; 2.2 An Overview of Approaches Dealing with "Identity" in Persian-Period Literature; 2.2.1 Postcolonial Studies; 2.2.2 Utopian Studies; 2.2.3 Social Memory Studies; 2.2.4 Social-psychological Studies; 2.3 Methodological Synthesis: Approach Followed in this Study
Chapter 3: The Persian Period in Yehud : A Multi-Levelled Socio-Historical Existence3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Chronicles: A Persian-Period Book?; 3.3 Chronicles: A Book Written by Literati in Jerusalem?; 3.4 A Multi-Levelled Socio-Historical Existence; 3.4.1 Under Persian Rule: The Imperial Context; Introduction; Royal Ideology; Economy and Administration; Religious Conditions; 3.4.2 Surrounded by Nations and Provinces: The Provincial Context; Samaria; Other Surrounding Provinces / Regions; 3.4.3 Brothers of Old: Judah and Benjamin
3.4.4 Levites and Priests: The Inner-Yehudite Cultic Context3.5 Synthesis; Chapter 4: Speaking in the Imperium; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The Genealogies (1 Chronicles 1-9); 4.2.1 A Universalist Frame (1:1-27); 4.2.2 The History of Humanity and Israel Continued in the Reorganised Temple Community in Jerusalem (9:1-34); 4.3 The David Narrative (1 Chronicles 10-29); 4.3.1 "Satan stood up against Israel" (1 Chron. 21:1); 4.3.2 The "Man of Rest" Builds the "House of Rest" (22:7-10; 28:2-3); 4.4 The Solomon Narrative (2 Chronicles 1-9)
4.4.1 The Jerusalem Temple Reflecting Persian Palace Ideology (2-7)4.4.2 Yahweh Loves His People (2:10 and 9:8); 4.4.3 Solomon Ruling from the Euphrates to Egypt (9:26); 4.5 The Kingdom of Judah Narrative (2 Chronicles 10-36); 4.5.1 Subtle Mockery of the Persians in Egypt through Asa's History? (13:23b-16:14); 4.5.2 Jehoshaphat's Legal Reform (19:4-11); 4.5.3 Cyrus the Great, Messenger of Yahweh (36:22-23); 4.6 Synthesis: Identity Negotiation in the Persian Empire; Chapter 5: Not Alone in this Provincial World; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Genealogies (1 Chronicles 1-9)
Summary Louis C. Jonker prüft in diesem Buch differenziertere und nuanciertere Wege um das heuristische Objektiv der »Identität« auf die Interpretation der Chronikbücher in der hebräischen Bibel anzuwenden
Notes 5.2.1 The Sons of Esau: Edom's Position (1:34-54)
Print version record
SUBJECT Bible. Chronicles, 1st -- Criticism, interpretation, etc
Bible. Chronicles, 2nd -- Criticism, interpretation, etc
Bible. Chronicles, 1st fast
Bible. Chronicles, 2nd fast
Genre/Form Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Form Electronic book
ISBN 3161545966