Bible. Luke -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800 : Catena aurea deutsch. Bd. 1, Lukasevangelium Text : die ostmitteldeutsche Übersetzung des Katenenkommentars des Thomas von Aquin / herausgegeben von Petra Hörner
Bible. Luke -- Comparative studies : A comparative handbook to the gospels of Matthew and Luke : comparisons with pseudepigrapha, the Qumran scrolls, and Rabbinic literature / by Bruce Chilton, Alan J. Avery-Peck, Darrell Bock, Craig A. Evans, Daniel M. Gurtner, Jacob Neusner, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Daniel Oden
Bible. Luke. Greek -- Versions -- Codex Bezae : Do this in remembrance of me : the disputed works in the Lukan Institution narrative (Luke 22: 19b-20) : an historico-exegetical, theological, and sociological analysis / Bradly S. Billings
Bible. Luke -- Juvenile fiction. : The Christmas pageant / illustrated by Tomie de Paola ; text from the stories of Matthew and Luke
Bible. Luke -- Juvenile literature. : The fishermen's surprise : Luke 5: 1-11 and John 21 for children / written by Alyce Bergey ; illustrated by Bill Behm
Bible. Luke, XXII, 19-20 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc : Do this in remembrance of me : the disputed works in the Lukan Institution narrative (Luke 22: 19b-20) : an historico-exegetical, theological, and sociological analysis / Bradly S. Billings