The physical characteristics of the body, including the mode of performance of functions, the activity of metabolic processes, the manner and degree of reactions to stimuli, and power of resistance to the attack of pathogenic organisms
Body Contouring : Atlas of whole body contouring : a practical guide / Richard J. Zienowicz, Ercan Karacaoglu, editors
Body Coordinate Formulation. : Planar Multibody Dynamics : Formulation, Programming with MATLABĀ®, and Applications, Second Edition
Body-Coordinates. : Planar Multibody Dynamics : Formulation, Programming with MATLABĀ®, and Applications, Second Edition
Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 Queensland : Queensland real estate legislation : Property Law Act 1974, Land Title Act 1994, Body corporate and Community management act 1997, Residential Tenancies Act 1994, Retail Shop Leases Act 1994, with index : consolidated to 1 November 1998
Body Dissatisfaction : Positive body image workbook : a clinical and self-improvement guide / Nichole Wood-Barcalow, PhD, Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center, Columbus, Ohio, Tracy Tylka, PhD, Ohio State University, Casey Judge, PhD, Ohio State University
Body dysmorphic disorder -- Juvenile literature : Appearance anxiety : a guide to understanding body dysmorphic disorder for young people, families and professionals / [Amita Jassi], National and Specialist OCD, BDD and Related Disorders Service, Maudsley Hospital
Body dysmorphic disorder -- Prevention : Preventing eating-related and weight-related disorders : collaborative research, advocacy, and policy change / Gail McVey, Michael P. Levine, Niva Piran, and H. Bruce Ferguson, editors
Body dysmorphic disorder -- Treatment : Optimizing evidence-based treatment for body dysmorphic disorder / Jennifer L. Greenberg, Hilary Weingarden, editors
An eating disorder that is characterized by the lack or loss of APPETITE, known as ANOREXIA. Other features include excess fear of becoming OVERWEIGHT; BODY IMAGE disturbance; significant WEIGHT LOSS; refusal to maintain minimal normal weight; and AMENORRHEA. This disorder occurs most frequently in adolescent females. (APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 1994)
Specialized connective tissue composed of fat cells (ADIPOCYTES). It is the site of stored FATS, usually in the form of TRIGLYCERIDES. In mammals, there are two types of adipose tissue, the WHITE FAT and the BROWN FAT. Their relative distributions vary in different species with most adipose tissue being white
Deposits of ADIPOSE TISSUE throughout the body. The pattern of fat deposits in the body regions is an indicator of health status. Excess ABDOMINAL FAT increases health risks more than excess fat around the hips or thighs, therefore, WAIST-HIP RATIO is often used to determine health risks