Church schools -- Australia -- History. : Learning to lead : a history of girls' and boys' corporate secondary schools in Australia / Geoffrey Sherington, R.C. Petersen, Ian Brice ; with the collaboration of Jill Quin
Church schools -- Australia -- Kew : They dreamt of a school : a centenary history of Methodist Ladies' College Kew, 1882-1982 / Ailsa G. Thomson Zainu'ddin
Church schools -- Developing countries -- Case studies : Emerging evidence on vouchers and faith-based providers in education : case studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia / Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Harry Anthony Patrinos, and Quentin Wodon, editors
Church schools -- Europe : The ambiguous embrace : government and faith-based schools and social agencies / Charles L. Glenn ; with a foreword by Peter L. Berger
Church schools -- Finance. : Erosion of the judicial process : an aspect of church-state entanglement in Australia : the struggle of citizens to be heard in the Australian full High Court on the state aid issue, 1956-1980 / M.J. Ely
Church schools -- History : The history of religions school today : essays on the New Testament and related Ancient Mediterranean texts / edited by Thomas R. Blanton IV, Robert Matthew Calhoun, Clare K Rothschild
Church schools -- New South Wales. : The Public Schools Act : speech of Henry Parkes, M.P., President of the Council of Education on opening the public school at Dundas, on Thursday, September 4, 1869.
Church schools -- Scotland. : Report of twenty-one years' experience of the Dick bequest for Elevating the Character and Position of the Parochial Schools and Schoolmaster in the counties of Aberdeen, Banff and Moray : embracing an exposition of the design and operation of the parish school / presented to the Trustees by Allan Menzies