Cyberterrorism -- Government policy -- China : 21st century Chinese cyberwarfare : an examination of the Chinese cyberthreat from fundamentals of Communist policy regarding information warfare through the broad range of military, civilian and commercially supported cyberattack threat vectors / William T. Hagestad II
Cyberterrorism -- Government policy -- United States : Technology, policy, law, and ethics regarding U.S. acquisition and use of cyberattack capabilities / William A. Owens, Kenneth W. Dam, and Herbert S. Lin, editors ; Committee on Offensive Information Warfare, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, Division of Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Cyberterrorism -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : The Palgrave handbook of international cybercrime and cyberdeviance / Thomas J. Holt, editor-in-chief, Adam M. Bossler, editor-in-chief
Cyberterrorism -- Political aspects : Cashing in on cyberpower : how interdependent actors seek economic outcomes in a digital world / Mark T. Peters II
Cyberterrorism -- Prevention -- Case studies. : Global initiatives to secure cyberspace : an emerging landscape / edited by Michael Portnoy, Seymour Goodman ; contributors, Michael Portnoy . . . [and others]
Cyberterrorism -- Prevention -- Public opinion : International publics brace for cyberattacks on elections, infrastructure, national security : many doubt their countries are prepared for major cyber hacks / by Jacob Poushter and Janell Fetterolf
Cyberterrorism -- Public opinion : Climate change still seen as the top global threat, but cyberattacks a rising concern : worries about ISIS and North Korea persist, as fears about American power grow / by Jacob Poushter and Christine Huang