Environment and quality of life. : The global environmental crisis : implications for social welfare and social work / edited by Marie D. Hoff, John G. McNutt
Environment (Art) -- California. : Christo and Jeanne-Claude : the umbrellas, Japan-USA, 1984-91 / photographs by Wolfgang Volz ; picture notes by Jeanne-Claude and Masa Yanagi
Environment (Art) -- Florida -- Biscayne Bay. : Christo, Surrounded Islands : Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980-83 / Introduction by Werner Spies; Chronology and Photographs by Wolfgang Volz
Environment (Art) -- France -- Paris -- Exhibitions. : Christo : the Pont-Neuf, wrapped, Paris, 1975-85 / photographs, Wolfgang Volz ; picture commentary, David Bourdon ; The Pont-Neuf and Paris, Bernard de Montgolfier ; [editor, Eric Himmel]
Environment (Art) -- Great Britain. : Land art in the U.K. : a complete guide to landscape, environmental, earthworks, nature, sculpture and installation art in the United Kingdom / William Malpas
Environment (Art) -- Japan. : Christo and Jeanne-Claude : the umbrellas, Japan-USA, 1984-91 / photographs by Wolfgang Volz ; picture notes by Jeanne-Claude and Masa Yanagi
Environment (Art) -- Netherlands -- Exhibitions. : Yes naturally : how art saves the world; [... an expanded exhibition inside and outside the museum walls ... Gemeentemuseum Den Haag (16 March - 1 September 2013)] / [concept Ine Gevers ; ed. board Ine Gevers ... and others ; transl. from Dutch Pierre Bouvier ... and others ; text ed. Mehgan Bakhuizen ... and others]
Environment (Art) -- New York (State) -- New York : The gates : the 26-year journey of Christo and Jeanne-Claude / HBO Documentary Films ; CVJ present ; a Maysles Films production ; for Home Box Office ; producers, Antonio Ferrera, Maureen A. Ryan, Vladimir Yavachev ; directed by Antonio Ferrera, Albert Maysles, Matthew Prinzing
Environment Art Studio (Firm) : Sculpture of scenery : works of Nobuo Sekine + Environment Art Studio = Fūkei o kizamu : Sekine Nobuo & Kankyō Bijutsu Kenkyūjo sakuhinshū / edited by Nobuo Sekine and Yoshifumi Hayashi
Environment aspects Lead Australia : Reducing lead exposure in Australia : risk assessment and analysis of economic, social and environmental impacts : final report / co-principal investigators Mike Berry ... [and others]
Environment Black Forest (Germany) : Shades of green : environmental activism around the globe / edited by Christof Mauch, Nathan Stoltzfus, and Douglas R. Weiner