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Freshwater fishes -- See Also the narrower term Coarse fishes

2 Freshwater fishes.   50
3 Freshwater fishes -- Africa : CIFA occasional paper    1
4 Freshwater fishes -- Australia.   13
5 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Australian Capital Territory.   2
6 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Barmah State Forest (Vic.) : Monitoring of fish aspects of the flooding of Barmah Forest : final report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission for Natural Resources, Management Strategy Project V014 / Lachlan J. McKinnon  1997 1
7 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Darling River Watershed (Qld. and N.S.W.) : Freshwater fish of the Murray-Darling River system : the native and introduced fish species / by John S. Lake  1967 1
8 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Darling River Watershed (Qld. and N.S.W.) -- Geographical distribution. : Predicting freshwater fish distribution in the Murray-Darling Basin / Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava  2005 1
9 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- East Gippsland (Vic.)   2
10 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Geographical distribution. : Inter-relationships between riverine fish species and catchments, southeast Australia / by Nigel William Abery  2004 1
11 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Gippsland (Vic.) : Aquatic fauna of East Gippsland : fish and macroinvertebrates / Tarmo A. Raadik  1992 1
12 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. : Field guide to the freshwater fishes of Australia / G.R. Allen, S.H. Midgley, M. Allen  2002 1
13 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Identification.   7
14 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Identificaton : Freshwater fishes of south-eastern Australia (New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania / edited by R.M. McDowall  1980 1
15 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Murray River Valley (N.S.W.-S.A.) : J.O. Langtry's 1949-50 Murray River investigations / by P.L. Cadwallader  1977 1
16 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Murray River Watershed (N.S.W.-S.A.) : Freshwater fish of the Murray-Darling River system : the native and introduced fish species / by John S. Lake  1967 1
17 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Murray River Watershed (N.S.W.-S.A.) -- Geographical distribution. : Predicting freshwater fish distribution in the Murray-Darling Basin / Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava  2005 1
18 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- New South Wales. : Freshwater fish of the Murray-Darling River system : the native and introduced fish species / by John S. Lake  1967 1
19 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Northeast : Freshwater fishes of north-eastern Australia / Brad Pusey, Mark Kennard and Angela H. Arthington  2004 1
20 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Northeast -- Identification : Freshwater fishes of north-eastern Australia / Brad Pusey, Mark Kennard and Angela H. Arthington  2004 1
21 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Northeastern : Freshwater fishes of north-eastern Australia / Brad Pusey, Mark Kennard and Angela H. Arthington  2004 1
22 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Northeastern -- Identification : Freshwater fishes of north-eastern Australia / Brad Pusey, Mark Kennard and Angela H. Arthington  2004 1
23 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Northern.   2
24 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Northern -- Identification.   2
25 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Northern Territory -- Alligator Rivers Region : Biology and early development of eight fish species from the Alligator Rivers Region / W. Ivantsoff ... [and others]  1988 1
26 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Northern Territory -- Magela Creek Watershed : Biology and early development of eight fish species from the Alligator Rivers Region / W. Ivantsoff ... [and others]  1988 1
27 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Southeastern. : Freshwater fishes of south-eastern Australia / edited by R.M. McDowall  1996 1
28 Freshwater fishes -- Australia, Southeastern -- Identification.   2
29 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Tasmania. : Tasmanian freshwater fishes / Wayne Fulton; illustrated by Carol Kroger  1990 1
30 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Victoria.   10
31 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Victoria -- Bibliography. : A bibliography of research publications by staff of the Freshwater Fish Management Branch, Fisheries Division 1970-90 / J.D. Koehn  1990 1
32 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Victoria -- Hopkins River -- Effect of salinity on : Effects of salinity on hatchability and early development of estuary perch, Macquaria colonorum / Dean C. Beckman  2006 1
33 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Victoria -- Identification.   4
34 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Victoria -- Nomenclature. : A guide to the freshwater fish of Victoria / Philip L. Cadwallader and Gary N. Backhouse  1983 1
35 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Victoria -- Nomenclature (Popular) : A guide to the freshwater fish of Victoria / Philip L. Cadwallader and Gary N. Backhouse  1983 1
36 Freshwater fishes -- Australia -- Victoria -- Warrnambool : Introducing Forestell invest in Australia  1989? 1
37 Freshwater fishes -- Bangladesh. : Freshwater fishes of Bangladesh / A.K. Ataur Rahman  1989 1
38 Freshwater fishes -- Bibliography. : An annotated bibliography of freshwater fish studies / Stream Ecology Group, J.D. Koehn ... [and others]  1985 1
39 Freshwater fishes -- California   2
40 Freshwater fishes -- Cambodia. : An introduction to Cambodia's inland fisheries / [K.G. Hortle, S. Lieng and J. Valbo-Jorgensen]  2004 1
41 Freshwater fishes -- China.   2
42 Freshwater fishes -- Classification.   2
43 Freshwater fishes -- Congresses. : Stock assessment in inland fisheries / edited by I. G. Cowx  1996 1
44 Freshwater fishes -- Conservation.   4
45 Freshwater fishes -- Conservation -- Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region : Aquaculture and conservation of inland coldwater fishes / Debajit Sarma, Suresh Chandra, Sumanta Kumar Mallik, editors  2024 1
46 Freshwater fishes -- Counting. : Stock assessment in inland fisheries / edited by I. G. Cowx  1996 1
47 Freshwater fishes -- Development -- Magela Creek Watershed : Biology and early development of eight fish species from the Alligator Rivers Region / W. Ivantsoff ... [and others]  1988 1
48 Freshwater fishes -- Dictionaries. : Cyclopaedia of coldwater fish and pond life / by Frank W. Orme ; coloured plates by Michael Stringer  1981 1
49 Freshwater fishes -- Dictionaries -- Australia. : Freshwater fishes of south-eastern Australia (New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania / edited by R.M. McDowall  1980 1
50 Freshwater fishes -- Diseases -- Australia. : Diseases of Australian native freshwater fishes with particular emphasis on the ectoparasitic and fungal diseases of Murray cod (Maccullochella peeli), golden perch (Macquarie ambigua) and silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) / Stuart J. Rowland, Brett A. Ingram  1991 1
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