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7 Found
1 Glutaral. : Glutaraldehyde : full public report / National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme  1994 1
2 Glutaral -- Physiological effect. : Glutaraldehyde : full public report / National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme  1994 1
3 Glutaral -- Safety measures. : Glutaraldehyde : full public report / National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme  1994 1
4 Glutaral -- Toxicology. : Glutaraldehyde : full public report / National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme  1994 1

Glutaraldehyde -- See Glutaral


Glutaraldehyde-Stabilized Graft -- See Bioprosthesis

Prosthesis, usually heart valve, composed of biological material and whose durability depends upon the stability of the material after pretreatment, rather than regeneration by host cell ingrowth. Durability is achieved 1, mechanically by the interposition of a cloth, usually polytetrafluoroethylene, between the host and the graft, and 2, chemically by stabilization of the tissue by intermolecular linking, usually with glutaraldehyde, after removal of antigenic components, or the use of reconstituted and restructured biopolymers

Glutaraldehyde-Stabilized Grafts -- See Bioprosthesis

Prosthesis, usually heart valve, composed of biological material and whose durability depends upon the stability of the material after pretreatment, rather than regeneration by host cell ingrowth. Durability is achieved 1, mechanically by the interposition of a cloth, usually polytetrafluoroethylene, between the host and the graft, and 2, chemically by stabilization of the tissue by intermolecular linking, usually with glutaraldehyde, after removal of antigenic components, or the use of reconstituted and restructured biopolymers
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