International Literacy Year, 1990. : The social costs of inadequate literacy : a report for International Literacy Year / Robyn Hartley (Australian Institute of Family Studies)
Here are entered general works on foreign loans. Works on foreign loans originating in an individual region or country are entered under Loans qualified by region or nationality, with further subdivision by place, if any, to which the loans are made, e.g. Loans, American--Europe, Eastern
International Management Group -- Case studies. / : International Management Group (IMG) / Bharat Anand, Kate Attea
International Mathematical Olympiad -- History : The IMO compendium : a collection of problems suggested for the International Mathematical Olympiads: 1959-2009 / Dušan Djukić [and others]
International Mathematical Union. / : Framing global mathematics : the International Mathematical Union between theorems and politics / Norbert Schappacher
International Migration Service. / : International Migration Service, June, 1920-June, 1922 / by World's Young Women's Christian Association Migration Service Committee