Legal polycentricity -- Brazil : Curupira und Kohlenstoff : Eine praxistheoretische Revision Politischer Ontologie am Beispiel von Umweltschutz in Amazonien. / Michaela Meurer
Legal polycentricity -- India, Northeastern : Legal pluralism and Indian democracy : tribal conflict resolution systems in northeast India / edited by Melvil Pereira, Bitopi Dutta and Binita Kakati
Legal polycentricity -- New Zealand -- History : Jurisprudence of national identity : kaleidoscopes of imperialism and globalisation from Aotearoa New Zealand / Nan Seuffert, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Legal polycentricity -- Nigeria : Domestic Legal Pluralism and the International Criminal Court The Case of Shari'a Law in Nigeria
Legal polycentricity -- Polynesia : The Rahui : legal pluralism in Polynesian traditional management of resources and territories / edited by Tamatoa Bambridge
Legal polycentricity -- South Africa : Muslim women between community and individual rights : legal pluralism and marriage in South Africa / Fatima Mukaddam
Legal polycentricity -- Spain -- Aragon -- History -- To 1500 : The Islamic and crown law within the Aragonese legal space in the fourteenth century : juridical lacunas and social dialogue / Irina Shilova-Varyash ; with a foreword by Rustam Shukurov
Legal polycentricity -- Sudan : Customary law in the modern world : the crossfire of Sudan's war of identities / Francis M. Deng