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Book Cover
Author Thompson, Curtis L., 1946- author.

Title Following the cultured public's chosen one : why Martensen mattered to Kierkegaard / Curtis L. Thompson ; general editor, Jon Stewart
Published Copenhagen, Denmark : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2008


Description 1 online resource (238 pages) : illustrations
Series Danish Golden Age Studies, 1903-3338 ; Volume 4
Danish golden age studies ; Volume 4.
Contents Front cover ; Title page ; Colophone ; Table of Contents ; Abbreviations ; Kierkegaard's Writings ; Other Works ; Preface ; Chapter 1: A General Introduction of Martensen and His Literary Production ; I. Philosophy of Religion within the Academy: 1833-1841 ; II. Dogmatic Theology in Relation to the Church: 1842-1850 ; III. Practical Theology Directed to Society: 1851-1884 ; Chapter 2: Martensen in Kierkegaard's Writings ; I. The Early University Years: 1834-1841 ; II. Establishing the Authorship: 1842-1846 ; III. Criticizing the Established Order: 1847-1855
Chapter 3: A General Interpretation of Kierkegaard's Use of Martensen I. The Tradition of Interpreting Kierkegaard's Use of Martensen ; II. Contributing to the Thought-World of Kierkegaard's Reflections ; III. Empowering Nihilism and the Possibilities of a Dipolar God ; Postlude ; Bibliography ; Works by Martensen ; Works on Martensen ; Other Works ; Index ; Back cover
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Martensen, H. (Hans), 1808-1884.
Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855.
Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855
Martensen, H. (Hans), 1808-1884
Philosophy and religion -- Denmark -- History -- 19th century
Religion -- Philosophy.
Theology, Doctrinal.
Philosophy and religion
Religion -- Philosophy
Theology, Doctrinal
Philosophy & Religion.
Religion - General.
Genre/Form History
Form Electronic book
Author Stewart, Jon, editor
LC no. 2008485361
ISBN 8763510979