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10000 Found
1 New York (State)   1394
2 New York (State) -- 19th century -- History : Angel on a freight train : a story of faith and queer desire in nineteenth-century America / Peter C. Baldwin  2020 1
3 New York (State) Abandoned buildings Catskill Mountains Region Pictorial works : The Borscht Belt  2016 1
4 New York (State) Abandoned buildings New York   2
5 New York (State) Abandoned children New York History 19th century   2
6 New York (State) Abandoned children Services for New York History : Covenant House : journey of a faith-based charity / Peter J. Wosh  2005 1
7 New York (State) Abolitionists History 19th century : Grass roots reform in the burned-over district of upstate New York : religion, abolitionism, and democracy / Judith Wellman  2011 1
8 New York (State) Abolitionists Long Island History 19th century : The Underground Railroad on Long Island  2013 1
9 New York (State) Abolitionists New York Biography   2
10 New York (State) Abortion Government policy : Before Roe : abortion policy in the states / Rosemary Nossiff  2001 1
11 New York (State) Abortion Law and legislation : The mysterious death of Margaret Campbell : critically examined with a review of the testimony, verdict of the jury, comments of the press, etc. / by T.D. Crothers  1872 1
12 New York (State) Absentee fathers New York : Wives without husbands : marriage, desertion, & welfare in New York, 1900-1935 / Anna R. Igra  2007 1
13 New York (State) Abstract expressionism : How New York stole the idea of modern art : abstract expressionism, freedom, and the cold war / Serge Guilbaut ; translated by Arthur Goldhammer  1983 1
14 New York (State) Abstract expressionism New York   5
15 New York (State) Abstracts of title : Examination of titles : a guidebook for use in the Law Department of the Home Title Guaranty Company / by Carl D. Schlitt, solicitor  1948? 1
16 New York (State) Abuse of administrative power New York : Brooklyn matters / produced & directed by Isabel Hill ; Building History Productions  2007 1
17 New York (State) Abused children Services for New York : 2003 year end review : protecting children, strengthening families, supporting communities    1
18 New York (State) Abused wives Case studies : A woman condemned : the tragic case of Anna Antonio / James M. Greiner  2019 1
19 New York (State) Abused women New York Interviews : Compelled to Crime : the Gender Entrapment of Battered, Black Women  2018 1
20 New York (State) Academic achievement Case studies : Resilient spirits : disadvantaged students making it at an elite university / Latty Lee Goodwin  2016 1
21 New York (State) Academic achievement New York   2
22 New York (State) Academic achievement New York Case studies : Mission Possible : How the Secrets of the Success Academies Can Work in Any School  2012 1
23 New York (State) Academic achievement Social aspects New York   3
24 New York (State) Academic freedom New York Periodicals : Counter-attack (New York, N.Y. : 1969 : Online)    1
25 New York (State) Academic freedom Periodicals : Counter-attack (New York, N.Y. : 1969 : Online)    1
26 New York (State) Academic writing Study and teaching Ithaca : Local knowledges, local practices : writing in the disciplines at Cornell / edited by Jonathan Monroe  2003 1
27 New York (State) Accident insurance : Regulation of mail order accident and health insurance / by George H. Kline  1949 1
28 New York (State) Accident law : Accidents in buildings : Spotter * system / by Louis E. Schwartz, LL.B. of the New York bar  1942 1
29 New York (State) Acquisition of scientific publications Cost effectiveness : The economics of access versus ownership : the costs and benefits of access to scholarly articles via interlibrary loan and journal subscriptions / Bruce R. Kingma with Suzanne Irving  1996 1
30 New York (State) Acquisition of serial publications Cost effectiveness : The economics of access versus ownership : the costs and benefits of access to scholarly articles via interlibrary loan and journal subscriptions / Bruce R. Kingma with Suzanne Irving  1996 1
31 New York (State) Acrobatics New York : A street Arab / Thomas A. Edison, Inc  1898 1
32 New York (State) Acrobats New York : A street Arab / Thomas A. Edison, Inc  1898 1
33 New York (State) Acting Auditions New York   2
34 New York (State) Acting Auditions New York Drama   11
35 New York (State) Acting Study and teaching New York Drama : Submissions only. Season 1, Episode 2, 165 files / created, written, directed and produced by : Kate Wetherhead & Andrew Keenan-Bolger  2011 1
36 New York (State) Actions and defenses   3
37 New York (State) Actors New York   10
38 New York (State) Actors New York Biography : Full moon stages : personal notes from 50 years of The Living Theatre / Judith Malina ; with a dedication by Al Pacino  2015 1
39 New York (State) Actors New York Drama   33
40 New York (State) Actresses New York Fiction : Presenting Lily Mars / by Booth Tarkington  1934 1
41 New York (State) Acupuncture Research New York Case studies : Acupuncture Integration Into a Hospital Setting : A Phenomenological Study / Kielczynska  2017 1
42 New York (State) -- Adirondack Forest Preserve : Living with the Adirondack forest : local perspectives on land use conflicts / Catherine Henshaw Knott  1998 1
43 New York (State) -- Adirondack Mountains.   11
44 New York (State) -- Adirondack Mountains Region   4
45 New York (State) -- Adirondack Park   6
46 New York (State) Administrative agencies Technological innovations New York : Smarter New York City : how city agencies innovate / edited by AndrĂ© CorrĂȘa d'Almeida  2018 1
47 New York (State) Administrative courts : Administrative adjudication in the state of New York : report to Honorable Herbert H. Lehman, governor of the state of New York / by Robert M. Benjamin  1942 1
48 New York (State) Administrative law : Administrative adjudication in the state of New York : report to Honorable Herbert H. Lehman, governor of the state of New York / by Robert M. Benjamin  1942 1
49 New York (State) Administrative law New York Periodicals : NYLS citylaw / Center for New York City Law at New York Law School  1995- 1
50 New York (State) Administrative procedure   2
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