Numismatics Achelous (Greek deity) : [Symbol of Greek letter Pi]otamikon : sinews of Acheloios : a comprehensive catalog of the bronze coinage of the man-faced bull, with essays on origin and identity / edited by Nicholas J. Molinari and Nicola Sisci
Numismatics, Ancient -- Iran : Ancient Iranian numismatics : in memory of David Sellwood / edited by Mostafa Faghfoury
Numismatics, Ancient -- West Bank -- Nablus : The Nablus 1968 Hoard : a study of monetary circulation in the late fourth and early third centuries BCE southern Levant / Haim Gitler and Oren Tal ; with contributions by Arnold Spaer and Sylvia Hurter, Dana Ashkenazi and Adin Stern
Numismatics -- Asia : Look at the Coins! Papers in Honour of Joe Cribb on his 75th Birthday / edited by Helen Wang and Robert Bracey
Numismatics, Phoenician. : A monetary and political history of the Phoenician city of Byblos in the fifth-fourth centuries B.C.E. / J. Elayi and A.G. Elayi
Numismatics, Roman -- Turkey : Connections, communities, and coinage : the system of coin production in southern Asia Minor, AD 218-276 / George C. Watson