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62 Found
1 Nutrient pollution of water.   24
2 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia.   2
3 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Case studies. : Nutrients in marine and estuarine environments / edited by Phillip R. Cosser  1997 1
4 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Murray-Darling Basin : Aggregated nutrient emissions to the Murray-Darling basin / prepared for the National Pollutant Inventory, Environment Australia by Atech group  2000 1
5 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.)   4
6 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.) -- Data processing. : Spatial interpolation of underway nutrient data / Quanxi Shao and David Fox  1996 1
7 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.) -- Mathematical models. : Spatial interpolation of underway nutrient data / Quanxi Shao and David Fox  1996 1
8 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- South Australia -- Lake Alexandrina : Variations in nutrient sources to Lake Alexandrina over the past 200 years : a stable nitrogen isotope study of sediments / Amanda Smith  1996 1
9 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Victoria. : Land use change and impacts on nutrient loads using GIS / by Daniel Ierodiaconou  2004 1
10 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Victoria -- Gippsland Lakes Region : Gippsland Lakes sediment nutrient inventory / Andrew R. Longmore  2000 1
11 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Victoria. -- Glenelg-Hopkins Region   2
12 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Victoria -- Pirron Yallock Creek : Nutrients in Pirron Yallock Creek, southwestern Victoria : paleolimnological and management considerations / Troy Duthie  2000 1
13 Nutrient pollution of water -- Australia -- Victoria -- Wimmera : Nutrients in the Wimmera River system / [Peter Newall]  1998 1
14 Nutrient pollution of water -- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) : Nutrient pollution from agricultural production : overview, management and a study of Chesapeake Bay / Arlene Walters, editor  2016 1
15 Nutrient pollution of water -- Chesapeake Bay Watershed : Achieving nutrient and sediment reduction goals in the Chesapeake Bay : an evaluation of program strategies and implementation / Committee on the Evaluation of Chesapeake Bay Program Implementation for Nutrient Reduction to Improve Water Quality, Water Science and Technology Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies  2011 1
16 Nutrient pollution of water -- Congresses.   2
17 Nutrient pollution of water -- Environmental aspects -- United States. : National estuarine eutrophication assessment : effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation's estuaries / Suzanne B. Bricker ... [and others]  1999 1

Nutrient pollution of water Government policy -- See Also the narrower term Nutrient trading

19 Nutrient pollution of water -- Indiana -- Statistics : Nutrient indicator models for determining biologically relevant levels : a case study based on the Corn Belt and Northern Great Plain Nutrient Ecoregion / Charles Clarence Morris, Thomas Paul Simon  2012 1
20 Nutrient pollution of water -- Mexico, Gulf of.   2
21 Nutrient pollution of water -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Longitudinal studies : Climate change and coastal ecosystems : long-term effects of climate and nutrient loading on trophic organization / Robert J. Livingston  2015 1
22 Nutrient pollution of water -- Mississippi River   3
23 Nutrient pollution of water -- Rhode Island -- Narragansett Bay : Science for ecosystem-based management : Narragansett Bay in the 21st century / Alan Desbonnet, Barry A. Costa-Pierce  2008 1
24 Nutrient pollution of water -- United States.   6
25 Nutrient pollution of water -- Zimbabwe -- Chivero, Lake : Options for wastewater management in Harare, Zimbabwe / by Innocent Nhapi  2004 1
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