Osteoarthritis -- Alternative treatment : Das Arthrose-Buch : das können Sie selbst tun, alle bewährten Behandlungsmethoden der Schulmedizin und Naturheilkunde / Petra Rossmüller-Meister, Grabriela Schwarz
Osteoarthritis -- Atlases : Atlas of osteoarthritis / Nigel Arden, Francisco J. Blanco, Cyrus Cooper, Ali Guermazi, Daichi Hayashi, David Hunter, M. Kassim Javaid, Francois Rannou, Jean-Yves Reginster, Frank W. Roemer
Osteoarthritis -- Australia. : A national action plan for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis : a national health priority area / [prepared by the National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions Advisory Group]
Osteoarthritis -- Chemotherapy -- Congresses. : Voltaren-new findings : [proceedings of an international symposium on Voltaren held in Paris on 22nd June 1981 during the 15th International Congress of Rheumatology] / edited by E. Kåss
Osteoarthritis -- metabolism : Osteoarthritis, Inflammation, and Degradation : a Continuum / edited by Joseph A. Buckwalter, Martin Lotz and Jean-François Stoltz
Noninflammatory degenerative disease of the hip joint which usually appears in late middle or old age. It is characterized by growth or maturational disturbances in the femoral neck and head, as well as acetabular dysplasia. A dominant symptom is pain on weight-bearing or motion
Noninflammatory degenerative disease of the hip joint which usually appears in late middle or old age. It is characterized by growth or maturational disturbances in the femoral neck and head, as well as acetabular dysplasia. A dominant symptom is pain on weight-bearing or motion
Noninflammatory degenerative disease of the knee joint consisting of three large categories: conditions that block normal synchronous movement, conditions that produce abnormal pathways of motion, and conditions that cause stress concentration resulting in changes to articular cartilage. (Crenshaw, Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 8th ed, p2019)
Noninflammatory degenerative disease of the knee joint consisting of three large categories: conditions that block normal synchronous movement, conditions that produce abnormal pathways of motion, and conditions that cause stress concentration resulting in changes to articular cartilage. (Crenshaw, Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 8th ed, p2019)
Osteoarthritis -- Surgery. : Biomechanics of the knee : with application to the pathogenesis and the surgical treatment of osteoarthritis / Paul G.J. Maquet