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Prenuptial agreements -- See Also Marriage settlements

2 Prenuptial agreements.   8
3 Prenuptial agreements -- Germany : Die Bedeutung ehebedingter Bedürfnislagen für das Recht des nachehelichen Unterhalts in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Niederlanden  2002 1
4 Prenuptial agreements -- Great Britain. : Cohabitation contracts, extra-marital partnerships, and law reform / Chris Barton  1985 1
5 Prenuptial agreements -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800 : A treatise of spousals, or, matrimonial contracts : wherein all the questions relating to that subject are ingeniously debated and resolved / by the late famous and learned Mr. Henry Swinburne, author of the Treatise of wills and testaments  1711 1
6 Prenuptial agreements in literature. : Marriage contracts from Chaucer to the Renaissance stage / Kathryn Jacobs  2001 1
7 Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)   2
8 Prenuptial agreements -- Spain : Los acuerdos prematrimoniales en el derecho civil español : el contenido posible / Francisco Javier Colao Marín  2018 1
9 Prenuptial agreements -- United States. : The marriage contract : spouses, lovers, and the law / Lenore J. Weitzman  1981 1
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