Psicologia industrial. : Tell me, where are we going and how do we get there? : what matters when facilitating groups / Ulf Lubienetzki, Heidrun Schüler-Lubienetzki
Psicologia -- Metodologia. : Ideological and political bias in psychology : nature, scope, and solutions / editors, Craig L. Frisby, Richard E. Redding, William T. O’Donohue and Scott O. Lilienfeld
Psicología -- Modelos matemáticos : New handbook of mathematical psychology. Volume 3, Perceptual and cognitive processes / edited by F. Gregory Ashby, Hans Colonius, Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov
Psicología -- Países de la antigua URSS : States of mind : American and post-Soviet perspectives on contemporary issues in psychology / edited by Diane F. Halpern & Alexander E. Voiskounsky
Psicología -- Proyectos de investigación y desarrollo : Quantitative psychology 84th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Santiago, Chile, 2019 / Marie Wiberg, Dylan Molenaar, Jorge González, Ulf Böckenholt, Jee-Seon Kim, editors
Psicometría -- Congresos y asambleas : Quantitative psychology : the 88th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Maryland, USA, 2023 / Marie Wiberg, Jee-Seon Kim, Heungsun Hwang, Hao Wu, Tracy Sweet, editors
Psicoteràpia basada en l'evidència. : Handbook of evidence-based prevention of behavioral disorders in integrated care : a stepped care approach / William O'Donohue, Martha Zimmermann, editors
Psicoteràpia de grup. : Treating fear of cancer recurrence with group cognitive-behavioral therapy : a step-by-step guide / Josée Savard, Aude Caplette-Gingras, Lucie Casault, Jennifer Hains
Psicoterapia do idoso. : A guide to psychotherapy and aging : effective clinical interventions in a life-stage context / edited by Steven H. Zarit and Bob G. Knight
Psicoteràpia infantil. : Mental health and illness of children and adolescents / Eric Taylor, Frank Verhulst, John Chee Meng Wong, Keiko Yoshida, editors
Psidium. : Tropical fruit pests and pollinators : biology, economic importance, natural enemies, and control / edited by J.E. Peña, J.L. Sharp, and M. Wysoki
Psidium guajava. : Tropical fruit pests and pollinators : biology, economic importance, natural enemies, and control / edited by J.E. Peña, J.L. Sharp, and M. Wysoki
Psigoanalise : The Kristeva reader / Julia Kristeva ; edited by Toril Moi