A great expanse of continuous bodies of salt water which together cover more than 70 percent of the earth's surface. Seas may be partially or entirely enclosed by land, and are smaller than the five oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic)
Seas -- Asia -- History : In Asian waters : oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama / Eric Tagliacozzo
Seas -- Asia -- Remote sensing : Coastal Altimetry : Selected Case Studies from Asian Shelf Seas / edited by Stefano Vignudelli and Nurul Hazrina Idris
Here are entered works on the marine waters of British Columbia and Washington State that extend from the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca eastward and northward to include Puget Sound and Georgia Strait, and their associated bays, coves, and inlets
Seas -- Exhibitions : In American waters the sea in American painting / edited by Daniel Finamore and Austen Barron Bailly ; with contributions by Austen Barron Bailly, Mindy N. Besaw, Sarah N. Chasse, Daniel Finamore, and George H. Schwartz
Seas -- Miscellanea. : Can squid fly? : answers to a host of fascinating questions about the sea and sea life / Tony Rice
Seas -- Photography : Praxisbuch Meer & Küste fotografieren : Spektakuläre Küstenfotos bei Ebbe und Flut einfangen / Theo Bosboom ; Übersetzung aus dem Niederländischen von Rolf Dräther
Seas -- Pictorial works : In American waters the sea in American painting / edited by Daniel Finamore and Austen Barron Bailly ; with contributions by Austen Barron Bailly, Mindy N. Besaw, Sarah N. Chasse, Daniel Finamore, and George H. Schwartz
Here are entered folk songs and popular songs meant to be sung by sailors, or about sailing, ships, or the sea. Extended vocal and instrumental works about or representing the sea are entered under Ocean--Songs and music
Here are entered works on the marine waters of British Columbia and Washington State that extend from the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca eastward and northward to include Puget Sound and Georgia Strait, and their associated bays, coves, and inlets
Seashells NATURE : Encyclopedia of Texas seashells : identification, ecology, distribution, and history / by John W. Tunnell, Jr. [and others] ; with contributions by David W. Hicks and Kim Withers