Social mobility -- Argentina -- Buenos Aires : La llamada de la gran urbe : las desigualdades y las movilidades sociales en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires / Eduardo Chávez Molina (compilador) ; Eduardo Chávez Molina [and nine others]
Social mobility -- Arkansas : Moving up and out : poverty, education, and the single parent family / Lori Holyfield ; foreword by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Social mobility -- Cambodia : Going nowhere fast : mobile inequality in the age of translocality / Sabina Lawreniuk and Laurie Parsons
Social mobility -- Canada : Outward and upward mobilities : international students in Canada, their families, and structuring institutions / edited by Ann H. Kim, Min-Jung Kwak
Social mobility -- Case studies : People like us : social class in America / The Center for New American Media and WETA Washington, D.C. in association with ITVS presents a production by The Center for New American Media ; a film by Andrew Kolker & Louis Alvarez
Social mobility -- Chile : Chile: ¿Más equitativo? : una mirada distinta a la distribución del ingreso, la movilidad social y la pobreza en Chile / Claudio Sapelli
Social mobility -- England -- Case studies : Higher education, social class and social mobility : the degree generation / Ann-Marie Bathmaker, Nicola Ingram, Jessie Abrahams, Anthony Hoare, Richard Waller, Harriet Bradley
Social mobility -- Ethiopia : Becoming middle class : young people's migration between urban centres in Ethiopia / Markus Roos Breines
Social mobility -- Eurasia -- History : Social complexity in prehistoric Eurasia : monuments, metals, and mobility / edited by Bryan K. Hanks, Katheryn M. Linduff
Social mobility -- Europe -- History : Connected mobilities in the early modern world : the practice and experience of movement / edited by Paul Nelles, Rosa Salzberg
Social mobility -- Germany : Erfolg nicht vorgesehen : Sozialer Aufstieg in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft - und was ihn so schwer macht / Christine Lang, Andreas Pott, Jens Schneider