Wetlands -- Australia -- Alligator Rivers Region (N.T.) : Vulnerability assessment of predicted climate change and sea level rise in the Alligator Rivers region, Northern Territory, Australia / Ben Bayliss ... [and others]
Wetlands -- Australia -- Congresses. : Educating and managing for wetlands conservation : proceedings of the Wetlands Conservation and Management Workshop, University of Newcastle and the Wetlands Centre, Shortland 11-15 February 1991 / compiled and edited by Rob Donohue and Bill Phillips
Wetlands -- Australia -- Victoria -- Cook, Point : Point Cook estate development, Cheetham Laverton saltworks property : proposed drainage development scheme, environment effects statement / prepared by Camp Scott Furphy, Lawrie Groom and Company, Network Planning Consultants ; in association with Brett A Lane Pty Ltd
Wetlands -- Australia -- Victoria -- Inventory : Wetlands of the national estate in Victoria. 2, Update of significance information for Victorian wetlands / K. Richardson and M. Beilharz
Wetlands -- Australia -- Victoria -- Werribee : Draft management plan : Grahams Land / prepared by 3rd year Applied Science students at Victoria College, Rusden Campus ; authors, Jamie Reilly [and others]
Wetlands -- Australia -- Western Australia -- Congresses. : Wetlands in crisis : what can local government do? : Planning and Management for Wetlands Conservation Conference 15 June 1988 : conference papers / jointly organized by Murdoch University, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences and the Environmental Protection Authority
Wetlands -- Australia -- Western Australia -- Perth Metropolitan Area : A baseline biological monitoring programme for the urban wetlands of the Swan coastal plain, Western Australia : seasonal variation in the macroinvertebrate fauna and water chemistry of five Perth lakes / J.A. Davis and S.W. Rolls
Wetlands -- Bibliography. : Floating islands : a global bibliography with an edition and translation of G.C. Munz's Exercitatio academica de insulis natantibus (1711) / by Chet Van Duzer
Wetlands Bolivia -- See Also the narrower term Pantanal
Here are entered works on the wetland region located chiefly in Brazil but also extending into southeast Bolivia and northeast Paraguay
Wetlands Brazil -- See Also the narrower term Pantanal
Here are entered works on the wetland region located chiefly in Brazil but also extending into southeast Bolivia and northeast Paraguay
Wetlands -- Bulgaria : Mid-winter numbers of waterbirds in Bulgaria (1977-2001) : results from 25 years of mid-winter counts carried out at the most important Bulgarian wetlands / Tanyo Michev & Lyubomir Profirov