Wounds and injuries Abdomen Surgery : Trauma surgery. Volume 2, Thoracic and abdominal trauma / edited by S. Di Saverio, G. Tugnoli, F. Catena, L. Ansaloni, N. Naidoo
Wounds and injuries Abdomen Tomography : CT scan in abdominal emergency surgery / Fausto Catena, Salomone Di Saverio, Luca Ansaloni, Federico Coccolini, Massimo Sartelli, editors
Wounds and injuries Achilles tendon Surgery Atlases : The achilles tendon : an atlas of surgical procedures / Hajo Thermann, Christoph Becher, Michael R. Carmont, Jón Karlsson, Nicola Maffulli, James Calder, C. Niek van Dijk, editors
Wounds and injuries Ankle United States : Treatment and rehabilitation of the high ankle sprain / written by Jason Scibek and the National Athletic Trainers Association ; presented by Jason Scibek ; produced by Healthy Learning
Wounds and injuries Anterior cruciate ligament Congresses : Executing a collaborative prospective risk-factor study of ACL injuries : findings, successes, and challenges / presented by Darin A. Padua ; produced by the American College of Sports Medicine
Wounds and injuries Anterior cruciate ligament Surgery : Controversies in the technical aspects of ACL reconstruction : an evidence-based medicine approach / Norimasa Nakamura, Stefano Zaffagnini, Robert G. Marx, Volker Musahl, editors
Wounds and injuries Anus : Perineal and anal sphincter trauma : diagnosis and clinical management / Abdul H. Sultan, Ranee Thakar and Dee E. Fenner (eds.)
Wounds and injuries Aorta Treatment : Thoraco-abdominal aorta : surgical and anesthetic management / Roberto Chiesa, Germano Melissano, Alberto Zangrillo, Editors ; Joseph S. Coselli, guest editor
Wounds and injuries Arm Atlases : Atlas of upper extremity trauma : a clinical perspective / W. Andrew Eglseder ; content editor: Kate Eglseder
Wounds and injuries Arm Congresses : A practical approach to the throwing athlete "beyond the shoulder" / presented by Peter H. Seidenberg, Jimmy Bowen and Anthony I. Beutler ; produced by the American College of Sports Medicine