Machine derived contents note: List of illustrations -- Note on romanisation -- Introduction and acknowledgements -- 1. Theoretical and historical background -- 2. The re-equipping of the Royal Observatory under King Sejong -- 3. From Munjong to Yongjo (1450-1776) -- 4. The armillary clock of Song Iyong and Yi Minch'ol (1669) -- 5. A Korean astronomical screen of the eighteenth century -- Epilogue -- Appendix -- Select bibliography -- Index
Korean astronomical instruments 1380-1780
Includes index
Title on added t.p.: Chʻao-hsien "Shu yün kuan" Tʻien wen i chʻi yü chi shih chi (Chosŏn "Sŏunʼgwan" chʻŏnmun ŭigi yŏ kyesigi)