Knowledge discovery in inductive databases : third international workshop, KDID 2004, Pisa, Italy, September 20, 2004 : revised selected and invited papers / Bart Goethals, Arno Siebes (eds.)
Models and indices for integrating unstructured data with a relational database / Sunita Sarawagi -- Constraint relaxations for discovering unknown sequential patterns / Claudia Antunes, Arlindo L. Oliveira -- Mining formal concepts with a bounded number of exceptions from transactional data / Jérémy Besson, Céline Robardet, Jean-François Boulicaut -- Theoretical bounds on the size of condensed representations / Nele Dexters, Toon Calders -- Mining interesting XML-enabled association rules with templates / Ling Feng, Tharam Dillon -- Database transposition for constrained (closed) pattern mining / Baptiste Jeudy, Franc̨ois Rioult -- An efficient algorithm for mining string databases under constraints / Sau Dan Lee, Luc De Raedt -- An automata approach to pattern collections / Taneli Mielikäinen -- Implicit enumeration of patterns / Taneli Mielikäinen -- Condensed representation of EPs and patterns quantified by frequency-based measures / Arnaud Soulet, Bruno Crémilleux, Francois Rioult