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Book Cover
Author Collins, Matthew (Lawyer)

Title The law of defamation and the Internet / Matthew Collins
Edition Third edition
Published Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 WATERFT LAW  KN 38.2 G1 Col/Lod 2010  AVAILABLE
 MELB  KN 38.2 G1 Col/Lod 2010  AVAILABLE
 MELB  KN 38.2 G1 Col/Lod 2010  AVAILABLE
 WATERFT LAW  KN 38.2 G1 Col/Lod 2010  AVAILABLE
 W'BOOL  346.034 Col/Lof 2010  AVAILABLE
 W'BOOL  346.034 Col/Lof 2010  AVAILABLE
Description xcvi, 683 pages ; 26 cm
Contents General introduction -- The Internet -- Iissues for defamation law -- Libel and slander -- Publication -- Intermediaries and publication -- Identification -- Defamatory meaning -- Justification -- Fair comment and related defences -- Absolute privilege -- Duty and interest form of qualified privilege -- Modifications of the duty and interest form of qualified privilege -- Fair reports forms of qualified privilege -- Qualified privilege and malice -- Statutory innocent dissemination and related defences -- Common law defence of innocent dissemination -- Other defences -- Injunctions and related remedies -- Damages -- Vicarious liability -- Recognition and enforcement of judgments in foreign countries -- Alternatives to defamation law -- Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights -- Human Rights Act -- Grounds of jurisdiction -- Forum non conveniens -- Choice of law -- Proof of foreign law -- Introduction to American defamation law -- Liability of Internet intermediaries in the United States -- Jurisdiction and choice of law in the United States
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Libel and slander -- Commonwealth countries.
Internet -- Law and legislation -- Commonwealth countries.
Libel and slander -- United States.
Internet -- Law and legislation -- United States.
LC no. 2010041718
ISBN 9780199590797 (hardback : alk. paper)
0199590796 (hardback : alk. paper)