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Book Cover

Title Modern earth buildings : materials, engineering, construction and applications / edited by Matthew R. Hall, Rick Lindsay and Meror Krayenhoff
Published Cambridge : Woodhead Publishing Ltd., [2012]


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
Description xxxi, 776 pages : illustrations, charts ; 24 cm
Series Woodhead Publishing series in energy ; no. 33
Woodhead Publishing in energy ; no. 33
Contents Machine generated contents note: pt. I Introduction to modern earth buildings -- 1.Overview of modern earth building / M. Krayenhoff -- 1.1.Introduction -- 1.2.Definition of modern earth building -- 1.3.The significance of modern earth building in the current and future construction industries -- 1.4.Changes in the modern earth building industry -- 1.5.Managing the demands of the modern construction industry -- 1.6.References -- 2.Hygrothermal behaviour and occupant comfort in modern earth buildings / S. Casey -- 2.1.Introduction -- 2.2.Hygrothermal loads and modelling -- 2.3.Thermal and hygric properties of earth materials -- 2.4.Hygrothermal behaviour and passive air conditioning -- 2.5.Indoor health and air quality -- 2.6.Sources of further information -- 2.7.References -- 2.8.Appendix: nomenclature -- 3.Fabric insulation, thermal bridging and acoustics in modern earth buildings / M. R. Hall -- 3.1.Introduction -- 3.2.Approaches to fabric insulation --
Contents note continued: 3.3.Thermal bridging theory -- 3.4.Thermal bridging simulation tools -- 3.5.Acoustic reverberation -- 3.6.Sources of further information -- 3.7.References -- 3.8.Appendix: nomenclature -- 4.Modern earth building codes, standards and normative development / H. Schroeder -- 4.1.Introduction: a short history of building codes for using earth as a building material -- 4.2.Types of ̀standards' for earth buildings -- 4.3.Normative documents for earth building -- 4.4.Selecting the parameters for earth building standards -- 4.5.New developments in earth building standards -- 4.6.Conclusions -- 4.7.References -- 5.Passive house design: a benchmark for thermal mass fabric integration / L. Rongen -- 5.1.Introduction -- 5.2.Description of Passive House -- 5.3.Functional principles of Passive House -- 5.4.Case studies of Passive Houses in different climates -- 5.5.Examples of Passive House architecture in Germany -- 5.6.Future trends --
Contents note continued: 5.7.Sources of further information -- 5.8.References -- pt. II Earth materials engineering and earth construction -- 6.Soil materials for earth construction: properties, classification and suitability testing / H-B. Yun -- 6.1.Introduction -- 6.2.Soil formation -- 6.3.Soil types -- 6.4.Soil consistency -- 6.5.Compaction of soil -- 6.6.Conclusion -- 6.7.References -- 6.8.Appendix -- 7.Alternative and recycled materials for earth construction / A. Dawson -- 7.1.Introduction -- 7.2.Classification -- 7.3.Types of alternative material -- 7.4.Characteristics of alternative and recycled materials -- 7.5.Form of recycled and alternative materials: bulk or binder -- 7.6.Leaching -- 7.7.Physical and mechanical properties of alternative and recycled materials -- 7.8.The use and reuse life cycle -- 7.9.Future trends and conclusions -- 7.10.Sources of further information -- 7.11.References -- 7.12.Appendix --
Contents note continued: 8.Soil mechanics and earthen construction: strength and mechanical behaviour / C. E. Augarde -- 8.1.Introduction -- 8.2.Basic mechanics -- 8.3.Fundamental soil behaviour -- 8.4.Effective stress -- 8.5.Models of shear strength for soils -- 8.6.Unsaturated soil behaviour -- 8.7.The use of soil mechanics in earthen construction -- 8.8.Future trends -- 8.9.Sources of further information -- 8.10.References -- 9.Soil stabilisation and earth construction: materials, properties and techniques / P. Keikhaei Dehdezi -- 9.1.Introduction -- 9.2.Lime stabilisation -- 9.3.Cement and pozzolans -- 9.4.Bituminous binders and emulsions -- 9.5.Synthetic binders, polymers and adhesives -- 9.6.Fibre reinforcement -- 9.7.Selection tool for modern stabilised earth construction -- 9.8.References -- 10.Integral admixtures and surface treatments for modern earth buildings / D. Kagi -- 10.1.Introduction -- 10.2.Integral admixtures for modern earth construction --
Contents note continued: 10.3.Surface treatment for modern earth buildings -- 10.4.Future trends -- 10.5.Sources of information -- 10.6.References -- 11.Weathering and durability of earthen materials and structures / E. Hamard -- 11.1.Introduction -- 11.2.Water content increase in earthen walls -- 11.3.Strategies to increase the durability of earth walls -- 11.4.Current tests for assessing the durability of earthen materials -- 11.5.Surface coatings and finishes of earth structures -- 11.6.Long-term performance testing of earth walls -- 11.7.Future trends and conclusions -- 11.8.Acknowledgements -- 11.9.Sources of further information -- 11.10.References -- pt. III Earth building technologies and earth construction techniques -- 12.History of earth building techniques / P. Jaquin -- 12.1.Introduction -- 12.2.Earth building techniques in Asia -- 12.3.Earth building techniques in Africa -- 12.4.Earth building techniques in Europe -- 12.5.Earth building techniques in North America --
Contents note continued: 12.6.Earth building techniques in South America -- 12.7.Earth building techniques in Australasia -- 12.8.Conclusions -- 12.9.Bibliography -- 13.Stabilised soil blocks for structural masonry in earth construction / B. V. Venkatarama Reddy -- 13.1.Introduction -- 13.2.Soil stabilisation techniques -- 13.3.Production of stabilised soil blocks (SSBs) -- 13.4.Characteristics of stabilised soil blocks (SSB) -- 13.5.Cement-soil mortars for stabilised soil block (SSB) masonry -- 13.6.Stabilised soil block masonry -- 13.7.Long-term performance, repair and retrofitting of stabilised soil block (SSB) buildings -- 13.8.Case studies of cement stabilised soil block (CSSB) buildings -- 13.9.References -- 14.Modern rammed earth construction techniques / T. Easton -- 14.1.Introduction -- 14.2.Material sourcing -- 14.3.Proportioning and mixing -- 14.4.Formwork -- 14.5.Installation -- 14.6.Future trends and conclusions -- 14.7.Sources of further information --
Contents note continued: 15.Pneumatically impacted stabilized earth (PISE) construction techniques / D. Easton -- 15.1.Introduction -- 15.2.Materials used for pneumatically impacted stabilized earth (PISE) construction -- 15.3.The forming system -- 15.4.Reinforcement of pneumatically impacted stabilized earth (PISE) walls -- 15.5.Equipment for proportioning, mixing and placement -- 15.6.The pneumatically impacted stabilized earth (PISE) method -- 15.7.Conclusion -- 15.8.Appendix -- 16.Conservation of historic earth buildings / G. Calabrese -- 16.1.Introduction -- 16.2.Common causes of deterioration on historic earth buildings -- 16.3.Conservation of earth architecture -- 16.4.Case study of the UNESCO heritage site of Diriyah in the Atturaif region of Saudi Arabia -- 16.5.Case study of earth buildings in Italy: Loreto Aprutino in the Abruzzo region -- 16.6.Conclusions -- 16.7.Sources of further information -- 16.8.References -- pt. IV Modern earth structural engineering --
Contents note continued: 17.Earth masonry structures: arches, vaults and domes / J. A. Ochsendorf -- 17.1.Introduction -- 17.2.Structural theory for arches, vaults and domes -- 17.3.Earth masonry arches -- 17.4.Earth masonry vaults -- 17.5.Earth masonry domes -- 17.6.Material properties of earth masonry structure -- 17.7.Design and construction criteria for earth masonry structures -- 17.8.Future trends -- 17.9.Acknowledgments -- 17.10.Sources of further information -- 17.11.References -- 18.Structural steel elements within stabilised rammed earth walling / R. Lindsay -- 18.1.Introduction -- 18.2.Structural steel for stabilised rammed earth (SRE) walling -- 18.3.Design parameters for using structural steel within stabilised rammed earth (SRE) walling -- 18.4.The use of steel lintels for stabilised rammed earth (SRE) applications -- 18.5.Steel columns embedded within stabilised rammed earth (SRE) walls --
Contents note continued: 18.6.Structural systems for elevated or ̀precast' stabilised rammed earth (SRE) panels -- 18.7.North American structural steel -- 18.8.Conclusion -- 18.9.Acknowledgements -- 18.10.Sources of further information -- 19.Natural disasters and earth buildings: resistant design and construction / H. W. Morris -- 19.1.Introduction -- 19.2.Earthquakes and earth buildings -- 19.3.Earthquake engineering -- 19.4.Wind and storms -- 19.5.Earth building design for wind resistance -- 19.6.Flood hazards and earth buildings -- 19.7.Volcanoes and landslides -- 19.8.Future trends -- 19.9.Sources of further information -- 19.10.References -- 20.Embankments and dams / T. Ashour -- 20.1.Introduction -- 20.2.Types and selection of embankment dams -- 20.3.Zoning of embankment dams and construction materials -- 20.4.Embankment dam construction specifications -- 20.5.Stability analysis of embankment dams -- 20.6.Dam freeboard equipment -- 20.7.Failure mechanisms --
Contents note continued: 20.8.Maintenance of embankment dams -- 20.9.Future trends -- 20.10.Norms and standards -- 20.11.References -- pt. V Application of modern earth construction: international case studies -- 21.North American modern earth construction / M. Krayenhoff -- 21.1.Introduction -- 21.2.Seventh generation thinking and earth construction -- 21.3.The interplay of indoor and outdoor weather -- 21.4.Applications of earth construction in hot climates -- 21.5.Applications of earth construction in wet and cold climates -- 21.6.Optimizing rammed earth compressive strength -- 21.7.North American-style rammed earth -- 21.8.Case studies of North American earth construction -- 21.9.Design elegance of modern earth buildings -- 21.10.Future trends -- 21.11.Sources of further information -- 21.12.Acknowledgements -- 22.Australian modern earth construction / R. Lindsay -- 22.1.Introduction -- 22.2.Uses of stabilised rammed earth in different regions of Australia --
Contents note continued: 22.3.Approaches to material type and selection -- 22.4.Formwork and construction techniques: the ̀Stabilform system' -- 22.5.Stabilised rammed earth (SRE) walls -- 22.6.Designing for thermal comfort -- 22.7.Standards and specifications for modern earth construction in Australia -- 22.8.The cost of stabilised rammed earth (SRE) construction in Australia -- 22.9.Case studies of modern earth buildings in Victoria, Australia -- 22.10.Future trends -- 22.11.Sources of further information -- 22.12.Acknowledgements -- 22.13.References -- 23.European modern earth construction / W. Swaney -- 23.1.Introduction -- 23.2.Conservation and revival of traditional techniques -- 23.3.Modern earth construction techniques -- 23.4.Case studies of modern earth buildings throughout Europe -- 23.5.Future trends -- 23.6.Acknowledgements -- 23.7.Sources of further information -- 23.8.References -- 24.Modern rammed earth construction in China / R. K. Wallis -- 24.1.Introduction --
Contents note continued: 24.2.Challenges for modern rammed earth construction in China -- 24.3.Opportunities for modern rammed earth construction in China -- 24.4.Approaches to material type and selection -- 24.5.Construction techniques and formwork -- 24.6.Case studies -- 24.7.Future trends -- 24.8.References -- Appendices -- A1.Techno-economic analysis and environmental assessment of stabilised rammed earth (SRE) building construction / R. Lindsay -- A1.1.Introduction -- A1.2.The technical parameters of modern earth wall construction -- A1.3.An economic analysis of modern earth wall construction -- A1.4.An environmental analysis of modern earth wall construction -- A1.5.Conclusions -- A1.6.References -- A2.Techno-economic analysis and environmental assessment of stabilized insulated rammed earth (SIREWALL) building / M. Krayenhoff -- A2.1.Introduction -- A2.2.The environmental impact of stabilized insulated rammed earth building --
Contents note continued: A2.3.The economic impact of stabilized insulated rammed earth building -- A2.4.Stabilized insulated rammed earth building technologies -- A2.5.Acknowledgements -- A2.6.References
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Earth construction.
Soil mechanics.
Building materials.
Sustainable buildings -- Design and construction.
Sustainable architecture.
Buildings -- Environmental engineering.
Author Hall, Matthew R.
Lindsay, Rick.
Krayenhoff, Meror.
ISBN 0857090267