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Author Congregational Union of England and Wales.

Title Minutes of the fourth Annual Assembly of the Congregational Union of England and Wales : held at the Congregational Library, Finsbury Circus, London, on the 13th and 16th days of May, MDCCCXXXIV; together with the report of the General Committee, and other documents connected with the transactions of the past year
Published London : printed for the Congregational Union, by J. Dennett, Union Buildings, Leather Lane, 1834


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS FICHE  082.09034 Nin/Gco  AVAILABLE
Description 4 unnumbered pages, 32 pages ; 8 p0 s
4x6 in
service copy
Series Nineteenth century general microform collection
Notes Reproduction of original in British Library, London