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Author Congregational Union of England and Wales.

Title The congregational year book, for 1846 : containing the proceedings of the Congregational Union of England and Wales, and its confederated societies for that year. Together with supplementary information, respecting the churches, associations, colleges, ministers, and publications, of the congregational body throughout the United Kingdom
Published London : published for the Congregational Union of England and Wales, by Jackson and Walford, 18, St. Paul's Churchyard, [1847]
Bucklersbury (London: Jacob Unwin, Printer, Bucklersbury)


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS FICHE  082.09034 Nin/Gco  AVAILABLE
Description vi, 2 unnumbered pages, 160 pages ; 8 p0 s
4x6 in
service copy
Series Nineteenth century general microform collection
Notes Advertisement dated March 10th, 1847
Reproduction of original in British Library, London