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Book Cover
Author Brenan, Gerald, author

Title St John of the Cross : his life and poetry / Gerald Brenan ; with a translation of his poetry by Lynda Nicholson
Published Cambridge <Eng.> : University Press, 1973
Cambridge, England : University Press, 1973


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
Description xii, 232 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Contents Machine derived contents note: List of illustrations; Preface; Part I. The Life: 1. Childhood and youth; 2. The Carmelite reform; 3. Prison; 4. El Calvario and Baeza; 5. Granada; 6. Segovia; 7. Disgrace and death; 8. The sequel; Appendices; Part II. The Works: 9. An examination of the poetry; 10. The prose works; Part III. The Poems: 'En una noche oscura': 'The Dark Night'; 'Adn̤te te escondiste': 'The Spiritual Canticle' (Sanlc͠ar version); 'Oh, llama de amor viva': 'The Living Flame of Love'; 'Quebien se; yo la fonte': 'Although by night'; 'Un pastorcico, solo, est ̀penado': 'A Pastoral'; 'Vivo sin vivir en mi;': 'Dying because I do not die'; 'Tras de un amoroso lance': 'A quarry of Love'; 'Entrm̈e donde no supe': 'Verses written on an Ecstasy'; 'Encima de las corrientes': 'Ballad on the Psalm 'By the Waters of Babylon''; 'En el pincipio moraba': 'Ballad on Trinity and the Incarnation'; 'Adn̤te te escondiste': 'The Spiritual Canticle (Jae;n version); notes to the poems; A select bibliography; Principal events in the life of St. John; Index
Analysis Poetry in Spanish 1516-1700 Translations
Poetry in Spanish John of the Cross, Saint Biographies
Poetry in Spanish John of the Cross, Saint Biographies
Poetry in Spanish John of the Cross, Saint, 1542-1591 Translations
Poetry in Spanish, 1516-1700 English texts
Poetry in Spanish, 1516-1700 English texts
Notes Includes the poems of Juan de la Cruz in the original Spanish with parallel English translations
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 224-227)
Notes Includes the poems of Juan de la Cruz in the original Spanish with parallel English translations
Subject John of the Cross, Saint, 1542-1591 -- Translations into English.
John of the Cross, Saint, 1542-1591.
Discalced Carmelite Nuns -- Spain -- Biography.
Christian saints -- Spain -- Biography.
English poetry -- Translations from Spanish
Religious poetry -- Spanish
Religious poetry, Spanish.
Spanish poetry -- Translations into English.
English poetry -- Translations from Spanish
Spanish poetry -- Translations into English.
Genre/Form Biographies.
Author John of the Cross, Saint, 1542-1591. Poems. English & Spanish.
Nicholson, Lynda, translator
LC no. 72083577
ISBN 0521099536