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Book Cover
Author Staff, St. Teresa of Avila

Title Complete Works Teresa Avila V2 (e)
Published London : Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2002


Description 1 online resource (433 pages)
Contents Intro; CONTENTS OF VOLUME III; BOOK OF THE FOUNDATIONS; INTRODUCTION; PROLOGUE; CHAPTER I. Of the ways in which this and the other foundations came to be projected; CHAPTER II. How our Father General came to Ã#x81;vila and what resulted from his visit; CHAPTER III. How the negotiations began for the foundation of the convent of Saint Joseph at Medina del Campo; CHAPTER IV. Describes certain favours bestowed by the Lord on the nuns in these convents and gives advice to prioresses as to their treatment of them
CHAPTER V. Gives certain counsels on matters concerning prayer and revelations. This is very profitable for those engaged in occupations belonging to the active lifeCHAPTER VI. Gives warning of the harm which may come to spiritual people through their not knowing when the spirit is to be resisted. Treats of the soul's desires to communicate. Deception which may arise here. There are important things in this chapter for those who govern these houses; CHAPTER VII. How to treat nuns suffering from melancholy. This chapter is necessary for superiors
CHAPTER VIII. Gives certain advice concerning revelations and visionsCHAPTER IX. Describes how she left Medina del Campo to make the foundation of Saint Joseph at Malagón; CHAPTER X. Describes the foundation of a house at Valladolid. This convent is entitled the Conception of Our Lady of Carmel; CHAPTER XI. Continues the subject already begun concerning Doña Casilda de Padilla and how she achieved her holy desires to enter the religious life
CHAPTER XIV. Continues to describe the foundation of the first house for Discalced Carmelite friars. Says something of the life which they led, and of the benefits that Our Lord began to bestow upon them there, to the honour and glory of GodCHAPTER XV. Describes the foundation of the convent of the glorious Saint Joseph in the city of Toledo, which took place in the year 1569; CHAPTER XVI. Describes certain things which happened in this convent of Saint Joseph, Toledo, to the honour and glory of God
CHAPTER XVII. Describes the foundation of the monastery and the convent of Pastrana, which took place in the same year, 1570â#x80;#x94;I mean 1569
Notes CHAPTER XII. Describes the life and death of a nun whom Our Lord brought to this same house, Beatriz de la Encarnación, who lived so perfectly and died in such a way that it is right a memorial should be made of herCHAPTER XIII. Describes how the first house for friars of the Primitive Rule of the Discalced Carmelites was founded, in the year 1568, and by whom
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Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781441195005