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Author Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948.

Title The Carmelites / Georges Bernanos ; translated from the French by Gerard Hopkins ; introduction by Robert Speaight
Published London : Collins, 1961
Collins, 1961


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS  840.912 B5173 A6/D3H 1961  AVAILABLE
Description 156 pages ; 18 cm
Series Fontana books. ; 544R
Fontana books ; 544R
Analysis Discalced Carmelites - Nuns - France
Notes Translation of: Dialogues des carmélites
Translation of Dialogues des Carmelites
Subject Carmelite Nuns -- Fiction.
Carmelites -- Drama.
Christian martyrs -- France.
Genre/Form Drama.
Author Hopkins, Gerard, 1892-1961.
Speaight, Robert, 1904-1976.
Other Titles Dialogues des Carmélites. English
Dialogues des Carmélites. English. 1961