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Book Cover
Author Stringer, Janet

Title Basic Concepts in Pharmacology
Edition 4th ed
Published New York, USA : McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 2011
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Description 1 online resource (254 pages)
Contents 880-01 Preface; 1. Where to start; Part I: General Principles; 2. Receptor Theory; Agonists; Efficacy and Potency; Therapeutic Index; Antagonists; Inverse Agonists; 3. Absorption, Distribution, and Clearance; First-Pass Effect; How Drugs Cross Membranes; Bioavailability; Total Body Clearance; 4. Pharmacokinetics; Volume of Distribution; First-Order Kinetics; Zero-Order Kinetics; Steady-State Concentration; Time Needed to Reach Steady State; Loading Dose; 5. Drug Metabolism and Renal Elimination; Liver Metabolism; Renal Excretion; Part II: Drugs That Affect the Autonomic Nervous System
880-01/(S Cardiovascular Effects of Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Isoproterenol10. Adrenergic Antagonists; Organization of Class; Central Blockers; α -Blockers; β-Blockers; Mixed α- and β-Blockers; Part III: Drugs That Affect the Cardiovascular System; 11. Antihypertensive Drugs; Organization of Class; Diuretics; Drugs That Interfere With the Renin-Angiotensin System; Direct Renin Inhibitor (DRI); Calcium Channel Blockers; Nitrates; Other Direct Vasodilators; α- and β-Blockers; Clonidine; 12. Drugs Used in Ischemic Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure; Ischemic Heart Disease
6. Review of the Autonomic Nervous SystemWhy Include This Material?; Relevant Anatomy; Synthesis, Storage, Release, and Removal of Transmitters; Receptors; General Rules of Innervation; Presynaptic Receptors; 7. Cholinergic Agonists; Organization of Class; Direct Cholinergic Agonists; Cholinesterase Inhibitors; 8. Cholinergic Antagonists; Organization of Class; Muscarinic Antagonists; Ganglionic Blockers; Neuromuscular Blockers; 9. Adrenergic Agonists; Organization of Class; Direct-Acting Agonists; Dopamine; Indirect-Acting Agents
880-02 Organization of ClassAdditional Explanation of Mechanisms; Part IV: Drugs That Act on the Central Nervous System; 16. Drugs Used in Dementia; Organization of Class; Cholinesterase Inhibitors; NMDA Blocker; 17. Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Drugs; Tolerance and Dependence; Organization of Class; Barbiturates; Benzodiazepines; Buspirone; Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonists; Melatonin Receptor Agonist; 18. Drugs Used in Mood Disorders; Organization of Class; Serotonin-Specific Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs); Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs); Heterocyclics/TCAs
880-02/(S Congestive Heart FailureReduction of Cardiac Workload; Control of Excessive Fluid; Enhancement of Contractility; 13. Antiarrhythmic Drugs; Organization of Class; Class I Drugs (Sodium Channel Blockers); Class II Drugs (β-Blockers); Class III Drugs (Potassium Channel Blockers); Class IV Drugs (Calcium Channel Blockers); Other Antiarrhythmic Drugs; Drugs That Increase Heart Rate; 14. Drugs That Affect Blood; Organization of Class; Antiplatelet Agents; Anticoagulants; Thrombolytic Drugs; Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors; Drugs Used in the Treatment of Anemia; 15. Lipid-Lowering Drugs
Notes Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Inhibitors
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Subject Pharmacology.
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9780071769426