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Title Europe 1789 to 1914 : encyclopedia of the age of industry and empire / edited by John Merriman and Jay Winter
Published Detroit, Mich. : Charles Scribner's Sons, [2006]
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Description 1 online resource (5 volumes) : illustrations
Series Gale virtual reference library
Scribner library of modern Europe
Gale virtual reference library.
Scribner library of modern Europe.
Contents volume 1. Abdul-Hamid II -- Absinthe -- Action Française -- Acton, John -- Addis Ababa, Treaty of -- Adler, Alfred -- Adler, Victor -- Adrianople -- Africa -- Agassiz, Louis -- Agricultural Revolution -- Airplanes -- Albania -- Alcohol and Temperance -- Alexander I -- Alexander II -- Alexander III -- Alexandra -- Algeria -- Alliance System -- Alsace-Lorraine -- Amsterdam -- Anarchism -- Anarchosyndicalism -- Andreas-Salomé, Lou -- Anneke, Mathilde-Franziska -- Anticlericalism -- Anti-Semitism -- Aristocracy -- Armenia -- Armies -- Arnold, Matthew -- Artisans and Guilds -- Art Nouveau -- Asquith, Herbert Henry -- Associations, Voluntary -- Atget, Eugène -- Athens -- Auclert, Hubertine -- Augspurg, Anita -- Austen, Jane -- Austerlitz -- Australia -- Austria-Hungary -- Austro-Prussian War -- Automobile -- Avant-Garde -- Baden-Powell, Robert -- Bagehot, Walter -- Bakunin, Mikhail -- Balkan Wars -- Balzac, Honoré de -- Banks and Banking -- Barbizon Painters -- Barcelona -- Barrès, Maurice -- Barry, Charles -- Baudelaire, Charles -- Bäumer, Gertrud -- Beards -- Beardsley, Aubrey -- Bebel, August -- Beethoven, Ludwig van -- Belgium -- Belgrade -- Belinsky, Vissarion -- Bely, Andrei -- Bentham, Jeremy -- Berdyayev, Nikolai -- Bergson, Henri -- Berlin -- Berlin Conference -- Berlioz, Hector -- Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste -- Bernard, Claude -- Bernhardt, Sarah -- Bernstein, Eduard -- Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von -- Bismarck, Otto von -- Black Hand -- Black Sea -- Blake, William -- Blanc, Louis -- Blanqui, Auguste -- Blok, Alexander -- Body -- Boer War -- Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia -- Bolsheviks -- Bonald, Louis de -- Bonapartism -- Borodino -- Bosnia-Herzegovina -- Bosphorus -- Boulanger Affair -- Boulangism -- Bourgeoisie -- Boxer Rebellion -- Brahms, Johannes -- Braille, Louis -- Brentano, Franz -- Brontë, Charlotte and Emily -- Brougham, Henry -- Brunel, Isambard Kingdom -- Brussels -- Brussels Declaration -- Budapest -- Bulgaria -- Bund, Jewish -- Burckhardt, Jacob -- Bureaucracy -- Burke, Edmund -- Business Firms and Economic Growth -- Butler, Josephine -- Byron, George Gordon -- Cabarets -- Cabet, Étienne -- Caillaux, Joseph -- Cajal, Santiago Ramón y -- Canada -- Canova, Antonio -- Capitalism -- Captain Swing -- Carbonari -- Carducci, Giosuè -- Caribbean -- Carlism -- Carlsbad Decrees -- Carlyle, Thomas -- Carpenter, Edward -- Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart) -- Catherine II -- Catholicism -- Catholicism, Political -- Cavour, Count (Camillo Benso) -- Center Party -- Central Asia -- Cézanne, Paul -- Chaadayev, Peter -- Chadwick, Edwin -- Chamberlain, Houston Stewart -- Chamberlain, Joseph -- Champollion, Jean-François -- Charcot, Jean-Martin -- Charles X -- Charles Albert -- Chartism -- Chateaubriand, François-René -- Chekhov, Anton -- Chemistry -- Childhood and Children -- China -- Cholera -- Chopin, Frédéric -- Cinema -- Cities and Towns -- Citizenship -- Civilization, Concept of -- Civil Society -- Class and Social Relations -- Clausewitz, Carl von -- Clemenceau, Georges -- Clothing, Dress, and Fashion -- Coal Mining -- Cobbett, William -- Cobden, Richard -- Cobden-Chevalier Treaty -- Cockerill, John -- Coffee, Tea, Chocolate -- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor -- Colonialism
v. 1. Abdul-Hamid to colonialism -- volume 2. Colonies to Huysmans -- volume 3. Ibsen to Owen -- volume 4. Pacifism to syphilis -- volume 5. Talleyrand to Zollverein; Index
volume 2. Colonies -- Combination Acts -- Commercial Policy -- Committee of Public Safety -- Communism -- Comte, Auguste -- Concert of Europe -- Concordat of 1801 -- Congress of Berlin -- Congress of Troppau -- Congress of Vienna -- Conrad, Joseph -- Conservatism -- Constable, John -- Constant, Benjamin -- Consumerism -- Continental System -- Cooperative Movements -- Corn Laws, Repeal of -- Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille -- Cossacks -- Counterrevolution -- Courbet, Gustave -- Crime -- Crimean War -- Crispi, Francesco -- Croce, Benedetto -- Cruikshank, George -- Crystal Palace -- Cubism -- Curie, Marie -- Curzon, George -- Cuvier, Georges -- Cycling -- Czartoryski, Adam -- Daguerre, Louis -- Danish-German War -- D'Annunzio, Gabriele -- Danton, Georges-Jacques -- Darwin, Charles -- Daumier, Honoré -- David, Jacques-Louis -- Davies, Emily -- Deák, Ferenc -- Death and Burial -- Debussy, Claude -- Decadence -- Degas, Edgar -- Degeneration -- Delacroix, Eugène -- Delcassé, Théophile -- Demography -- Denmark -- Deraismes, Maria -- Deroin, Jeanne -- De Vries, Hugo -- Diaghilev, Sergei -- Dickens, Charles -- Diet and Nutrition -- Dilthey, Wilhelm -- Diplomacy -- Directory -- Disease -- Disraeli, Benjamin -- Dohm, Hedwig -- Doré, Gustave -- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor -- Doyle, Arthur Conan -- Dreadnought -- Dreyfus Affair -- Drugs -- Drumont, Édouard -- Dublin -- Dueling -- Durand, Marguerite -- Durkheim, Émile -- Dvorák, Antonín -- Eastern Question -- East India Company -- Economic Growth and Industrialism -- Economists, Classical -- Education -- Edward VII -- Egypt -- Ehrlich, Paul -- Eiffel Tower -- Einstein, Albert -- Electricity -- Eliot, George -- Ellis, Havelock -- Emigration -- Endecja -- Engels, Friedrich -- Engineers -- Environment -- Estates-General -- Eugenics -- Eurasianism -- Evolution -- Exile, Penal -- Explorers -- Fabians -- Factories -- Fashoda Affair -- Fauvism -- Fawcett, Millicent Garrett -- Federalist Revolt -- Feminism -- Ferdinand I -- Ferdinand VII -- Ferry, Jules -- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb -- Fin de Siècle -- Finland and the Baltic Provinces -- First International -- Flâneur -- Flaubert, Gustave -- Fontane, Theodor -- Football (Soccer) -- Forster, E.M. -- Fouché, Joseph -- Fourier, Charles -- Fox, Charles James -- France -- Francis I -- Francis Ferdinand -- Francis Joseph -- Franco-Austrian War -- Franco-Prussian War -- Frankfurt Parliament -- Frazer, James -- Frederick III -- Frederick William III -- Frederick William IV -- Freemasons -- Frege, Gottlob -- French Revolution -- French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars -- Freud, Sigmund -- Friedrich, Caspar David -- Furniture -- Futurism -- Gagern, Heinrich von -- Gaj, Ljudevit -- Gall, Franz Joseph -- Galton, Francis -- Gambetta, Léon-Michel -- Garibaldi, Giuseppe -- Gaskell, Elizabeth -- Gaudí, Antonio -- Gauguin, Paul -- Gender -- Generation of 1898 -- Geneva Convention -- George IV -- Géricault, Théodore -- Germany -- Giolitti, Giovanni -- Girondins -- Gissing, George -- Gladstone, William -- Glinka, Mikhail -- Godwin, William -- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von -- Gogol, Nikolai -- Goncharov, Ivan -- Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de -- Gorky, Maxim -- Gouges, Olympe de -- Goya, Francisco -- Great Britain -- Great Reforms (Russia) -- Greece -- Grimm Brothers -- Guesde, Jules -- Guimard, Hector -- Guizot, François -- Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich -- Hague Conferences -- Haiti -- Hamburg -- Hardenberg, Karl August von -- Hardie, James Keir -- Hardy, Thomas -- Haussmann, Georges-Eugène -- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich -- Heine, Heinrich -- Helmholtz, Hermann von -- Herder, Johann Gottfried -- Hertz, Heinrich -- Herzen, Alexander -- Herzl, Theodor -- Hirschfeld, Magnus -- History -- Hobson, John A. -- Hofmannsthal, Hugo von -- Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich -- Holy Alliance -- Homosexuality and Lesbianism -- Housing -- Hugo, Victor -- Humboldt, Alexander and Wilhelm von -- Hundred Days -- Husserl, Edmund -- Huxley, Thomas Henry -- Huysmans, Joris-Karl
volume 3. Ibsen, Henrik -- Immigration and Internal Migration -- Imperialism -- Impressionism -- India -- Indochina -- Industrial Revolution, First -- Industrial Revolution, Second -- Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique -- Intellectuals -- Intelligentsia -- International Law -- Ireland -- Istanbul -- Italy -- Jacobins -- Jadids -- Japan -- Jarry, Alfred -- Jaurès, Jean -- Jelacic, Josip -- Jena, Battle of -- Jenner, Edward -- Jewish Emancipation -- Jews and Judaism -- Jingoism -- John, Archduke of Austria -- Jomini, Antoine-Henri de -- Jung, Carl Gustav -- Kadets -- Kafka, Franz -- Kandinsky, Vasily -- Karadjordje -- Kautsky, Karl -- Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson) -- Kierkegaard, Søren -- Kingdom of the Two Sicilies -- Kipling, Rudyard -- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert -- Klimt, Gustav -- Koch, Robert -- Kosciuszko, Tadeusz -- Kossuth, Lajos -- Krafft-Ebing, Richard von -- Kropotkin, Peter -- Krupp -- Kuliscioff, Anna -- Kulturkampf -- Kutuzov, Mikhail -- Labor Movements -- Labour Party -- Laennec, René -- Lafayette, Marquis de -- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste -- Lamartine, Alphonse -- Landed Elites -- Larrey, Dominique-Jean -- Lasker-Schüler, Else -- Lassalle, Ferdinand -- Lavoisier, Antoine -- Law, Theories of -- LeBon, Gustave -- Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste -- Leipzig, Battle of -- Leisure -- Lenin, Vladimir -- Leo XIII -- Leopardi, Giacomo -- Leopold I -- Leopold II -- Lesseps, Ferdinand-Marie de -- Levée en Masse -- Liberalism -- Libraries -- Liebermann, Max -- Liebknecht, Karl -- List, Georg Friedrich -- Lister, Joseph -- Liszt, Franz -- Literacy -- Lithuania -- Lloyd George, David -- Lombroso, Cesare -- London -- Loos, Adolf -- Louis II -- Louis XVI -- Louis XVIII -- Louis-Philippe -- Lovett, William -- Luddism -- Lueger, Karl -- Lumière, Auguste and Louis -- Luxemburg, Rosa -- Lyell, Charles -- Lyon -- Macaulay, Thomas Babington -- Mach, Ernst -- Machine Breaking -- Madrid -- Mafia -- Mahler, Gustav -- Mahmud II -- Maistre, Joseph de -- Majuba Hill -- Malatesta, Errico -- Malthus, Thomas Robert -- Manchester -- Manet, Édouard -- Mann, Thomas -- Manners and Formality -- Manning, Henry -- Manzoni, Alessandro -- Marat, Jean-Paul -- Marconi, Guglielmo -- Marie-Antoinette -- Markets -- Marriage and Family -- Martineau, Harriet -- Martov, L. -- Marx, Karl -- Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue -- Masculinity -- Matisse, Henri -- Maurras, Charles -- Maxwell, James Clerk -- Mazzini, Giuseppe -- Mediterranean -- Méliès, Georges -- Mendel, Gregor -- Mensheviks -- Menzel, Adolph von -- Mesmer, Franz Anton -- Metternich, Clemens von -- Meyerhold, Vsevolod -- Michel, Louise -- Michelet, Jules -- Mickiewicz, Adam -- Milan -- Military Tactics -- Mill, Harriet Taylor -- Mill, James -- Mill, John Stuart -- Millet, Jean-François -- Millet System -- Milyukov, Pavel -- Minorities -- Missions -- Modernism -- Moltke, Helmuth von -- Mommsen, Theodor -- Monet, Claude -- Monetary Unions -- Montenegro -- Montessori, Maria -- Morisot, Berthe -- Moroccan Crises -- Morocco -- Morris, William -- Moscow -- Mozzoni, Anna Maria -- Mukden, Battle of -- Munch, Edvard -- Münchengrätz, Treaty of -- Museums -- Music -- Musil, Robert -- Mussorgsky, Modest -- Nadar, Félix -- Nanking, Treaty of -- Naples -- Napoleon -- Napoleon III -- Napoleonic Code -- Napoleonic Empire -- Nash, John -- Nationalism -- Naval Rivalry (Anglo-German) -- Navarino -- Nechayev, Sergei -- Nelson, Horatio -- Netherlands -- Newman, John Henry -- New Zealand -- Nicholas I -- Nicholas II -- Nietzsche, Friedrich -- Nightingale, Florence -- Nihilists -- Nijinsky, Vaslav -- Nobel, Alfred -- Norton, Caroline -- Novalis (Hardenberg, Friedrich von) -- Nurses -- Oceanic Exploration -- O'Connell, Daniel -- O'Connor, Feargus -- Octobrists -- Offenbach, Jacques -- Old Age -- Olympic Games -- Omdurman -- Opera -- Opium Wars -- Otto, Louise -- Ottoman Empire -- Owen, Robert
volume 4. Pacifism -- Paganini, Niccolò -- Paine, Thomas -- Painting -- Palacký, František -- Palmerston, Lord (Henry John Temple) -- Pankhurst, Emmeline, Christabel, and Sylvia -- Pan-Slavism -- Papacy -- Papal Infallibility -- Papal State -- Paris -- Paris Commune -- Parks -- Parnell, Charles Stewart -- Pasteur, Louis -- Pater, Walter -- Paul I -- Pavlov, Ivan -- Pavlova, Anna -- Peasants -- Peel, Robert -- Péguy, Charles -- Pelletier, Madeleine -- Peninsular War -- People's Will -- Philhellenic Movement -- Photography -- Phrenology -- Phylloxera -- Physics -- Picasso, Pablo -- Piedmont-Savoy -- Pilgrimages -- Pinel, Philippe -- Pissarro, Camille -- Pius IX -- Planck, Max -- Plekhanov, Georgy -- Pogroms -- Poincaré, Henri -- Poincaré, Raymond -- Poland -- Police and Policing -- Polish National Movement -- Poor Law -- Popular and Elite Culture -- Population, Control of -- Populists -- Pornography -- Portsmouth, Treaty of -- Portugal -- Positivism -- Posters -- Poverty -- Prague -- Prague Slav Congress -- Pre-Raphaelite Movement -- Press and Newspapers -- Primitivism -- Professions -- Prostitution -- Protectionism -- Protestantism -- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph -- Prussia -- Psychoanalysis -- Psychology -- Public Health -- Puccini, Giacomo -- Pugin, Augustus Welby -- Pushkin, Alexander -- Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques -- Race and Racism -- Radicalism -- Railroads -- Rank, Otto -- Ranke, Leopold von -- Ravachol (François Claudius Koenigstein-Ravachol) -- Ravel, Maurice -- Realism and Naturalism -- Red Cross -- Reign of Terror -- Renan, Ernest -- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste -- Repin, Ilya -- Republicanism -- Restaurants -- Restoration -- Revolution of 1905 (Russia) -- Revolutions of 1820 -- Revolutions of 1830 -- Revolutions of 1848 -- Rhodes, Cecil -- Richer, Léon -- Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai -- Risorgimento (Italian Unification) -- Robespierre, Maximilien -- Rodin, Auguste -- Roentgen, Wilhelm -- Roland, Pauline -- Rolland, Romain -- Romania -- Romanies (Gypsies) -- Roman Question -- Romanticism -- Rome -- Rossini, Gioachino -- Rothschilds -- Roussel, Nelly -- Rude, François -- Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria -- Ruskin, John -- Russia -- Russian Orthodox Church -- Russo-Japanese War -- Russo-Turkish War -- Rutherford, Ernest -- Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François de -- St. Petersburg -- Saint-Simon, Henri de -- Salvation Army -- Sand, George -- San Stefano, Treaty of -- Satie, Erik -- Schelling, Friedrich von -- Schiele, Egon -- Schinkel, Karl Friedrich -- Schlegel, August Wilhelm von -- Schleiermacher, Friedrich -- Schlieffen Plan -- Schnitzler, Arthur -- Schoenberg, Arnold -- Schopenhauer, Arthur -- Schubert, Franz -- Science and Technology -- Scotland -- Scott, Walter -- Seaside Resorts -- Second International -- Secret Societies -- Secularization -- Semmelweis, Ignac -- Separation of Church and State (France, 1905) -- Sepoy Mutiny -- Serbia -- Serfs, Emancipation of -- Seurat, Georges -- Sewing Machine -- Sexuality -- Shamil -- Shaw, George Bernard -- Shelley, Mary -- Shelley, Percy Bysshe -- Shimonoseki, Treaty of -- Siberia -- Sicilian Fasci -- Sicily -- Siemens, Werner von -- Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph -- Silver Age -- Simmel, Georg -- Sismondi, Jean-Charles Leonard de -- Sister Republics -- Slavery -- Slavophiles -- Smallpox -- Smiles, Samuel -- Socialism -- Socialism, Christian -- Socialist Revolutionaries -- Sociology -- Soloviev, Vladimir -- Sorel, Georges -- South Africa -- Spain -- Spencer, Herbert -- Speransky, Mikhail -- Spiritualism -- Sports -- Staël, Germaine de -- Statistics -- Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum -- Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) -- Stephen, Leslie -- Stevenson, Robert Louis -- Stolypin, Peter -- Strachey, Lytton -- Strauss, Johann -- Stravinsky, Igor -- Strikes -- Strindberg, August -- Struve, Peter -- Subways -- Suez Canal -- Suffragism -- Suttner, Bertha von -- Sweden and Norway -- Switzerland -- Symbolism -- Symonds, John Addington -- Syndicalism -- Syphilis
volume 5. Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de -- Tchaikovsky, Peter -- Telephones -- Tennyson, Alfred -- Thiers, Louis-Adolphe -- Tirpitz, Alfred von -- Tobacco -- Tocqueville, Alexis de -- Tolstoy, Leo -- Tories -- Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de -- Tourism -- Toussaint Louverture -- Trade and Economic Growth -- Trafalgar, Battle of -- Transportation and Communications -- Treitschke, Heinrich von -- Trieste -- Tristan, Flora -- Tuberculosis -- Tunisia -- Turati, Filippo -- Turgenev, Ivan -- Turner, J.M.W. -- Ukraine -- Ulm, Battle of -- Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich -- Umberto I -- Universities -- Unkiar-Skelessi, Treaty of -- Utilitarianism -- Utopian Socialism -- Van Gogh, Vincent -- Venice -- Verdi, Giuseppe -- Verga, Giovanni -- Verne, Jules -- Victor Emmanuel II -- Victoria, Queen -- Vienna -- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène -- Virchow, Rudolf -- Vladivostok -- Wagner, Richard -- Waldeck-Rousseau, René -- Wales -- Wallace, Alfred Russel -- War of 1812 -- Warsaw -- Waterloo -- Webb, Beatrice Potter -- Weber, Max -- Weininger, Otto -- Welfare -- Wellington, Duke of (Arthur Wellesley) -- Wells, H.G. -- Westernizers -- Whigs -- Wilberforce, William -- Wilde, Oscar -- William I -- William II -- William IV -- Windthorst, Ludwig -- Wine -- Witte, Sergei -- Wollstonecraft, Mary -- Wordsworth, William -- Working Class -- World's Fairs -- Wundt, Wilhelm -- Yeats, William Butler -- Young Czechs and Old Czechs -- Young Hegelians -- Young Italy -- Young Turks -- Zasulich, Vera -- Zionism -- Zola, Émile -- Zollverein
Summary A five-volume survey of European history from the onset of the French Revolution to the outbreak of World War. Alphabetically arranged entries cover the period's most significant personalities and meaningful developments in the arts, religion, politics, exploration, and warfare. For students, scholars, and general readers
Notes Title from book home page (Gale, viewed on Nov. 21, 2006)
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Civilization.
SUBJECT Europe -- Civilization -- 19th century -- Encyclopedias
Europe -- Civilization -- 20th century -- Encyclopedias
Europe -- History -- 1789-1900 -- Encyclopedias
Europe -- History -- 1871-1918 -- Encyclopedias
Subject Europa (geografie)
Genre/Form Encyclopedias.
Form Electronic book
Author Merriman, John M.
Winter, J. M.
ISBN 0684313596