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Book Cover
Author Moore, John Leo, 1927-

Title Elections A to Z / John L. Moore
Published Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly, [1999]


Description 1 online resource (xiv, 560 pages) : illustrations, maps
Series CQ's ready reference encyclopedia of American government
CQ's ready reference encyclopedia of American government.
Contents Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Foreword; Preface; A; Absentee Voting; Absolute Majority; American Independent Party and American Party; American Party-Know-Nothings; Anti-Federalists; Anti-Masonic Party; At-Large; B; Baker v. Carr; Ballot Access; Ballot Types; Bandwagon Effect; Beauty Contest; Bellwether; Bicameral; Bilingual Voters; Black Suffrage; Blue Dog Democrat; Boll Weevil; Border States; Brass Collar Democrat; Brokered Convention; Buckley v. Valeo; Bullet Vote; Bundling; C; Campaign, Basic Stages of; Campaign Buttons; Campaign Finance
Campaign SlogansCampaign Strategies; Candidate-Centered Campaigns; Canvassing Board; Caucus; Census; Challenger; Chronology of Presidential Elections; Citizens Party; Citizenship and Voting; Civil Rights Acts; Coalition; Coattails; Communist Party; Congressional District; Congressional Elections; Constituency; Constitutional Union Party; Contested Elections; Crossover Voting; Cumulative Voting; D; Dark Horse; Debates; Delegates; Democracy; Democratic National Committee; Democratic Party; Democratic-Republican Party; Direct Election; District of Columbia; Districts, Wards, and Precincts; E
Election Cycle in AmericaElection Day; Election Fraud; Electoral Anomalies; Electoral Behavior; Electoral College and Votes; Entrance Polls; Equal Time and Rebuttal Rules; Exit Polls; F; Favorite Son; Federal Election Commission; Federal Workers' Political Activity; Federalist Party; Forecasting Election Results; Franchise; Free Soil Party; Freeholder; Front-Loading; Front-Runner; Fusionism; G; Gerrymander; Get Out the Vote; Governor; Grandfather Clause; Green Party; Greenback Party; H; Hard Money; Historic Milestones in U.S. Elections; Home Rule; House of Representatives, Electing
House of Representatives, QualificationsI; Ideology; Incumbency; Independent; Initiatives and Referendums; Interest Group; International and U.S. Elections Compared; Iowa Caucus; Issue Voting; J; Judicial System; Junior Tuesday; L; Lame Duck; Landslide; Liberal Republican Party; Libertarian Party; Liberty Party; Lieutenant Governor; Literacy Tests; M; Majority-Minority District; Mandate; Media Coverage of Campaigns; Media Use by Campaigns; Midterm Election; Motor Voter Act; Mugwump; Multimember Districts; N; National Democratic Party; National Election Studies; National Party Conventions
National Republican PartyNational Unity Party; Natural Law Party; Nature of Representation; Negative Campaigning; New Alliance Party; New Hampshire Primary; O; One Person, One Vote; Oregon v. Mitchell; P; Party Endorsement of Candidates; Party Identification by Voters; Peace and Freedom Party; People's Party; People's Party-Populists; Platform; Plurality; Pocketbook Voting; Political Action Committees; Political Advertising; Political Consultants; Political Culture in America; Political Socialization of the Public; Poll Taxes; Polling; Popular Vote; Postconvention Bounce
Summary Articles examine the election process for president, Congress, and statewide offices, and discuss the roles of political parties and the media, election scandals, and voting rights
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 531-533) and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Elections -- United States -- Encyclopedias
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Political Process -- Elections.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Political Process -- General.
United States
Genre/Form encyclopedias.
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781135938772