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Brill Open Access E-books 50 Jahre Wilhelm Fink Verlag Eine Chronik / Henning Siekmann, Henning Siekmann
Brill Open Access E-books Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de lakon Kurupati rabi / door E.M. Uhlenbeck ; met medewerking van J. Soegiarto
Brill Open Access E-books L'Academie de Lausanne entre humanisme et réforme (ca. 1537-1560) / par Karine Crousaz
Brill Open Access E-books Academia in crisis : dystopic optimism and postalgic realism in university life / edited by Leonidas Donskis, Ida Sabelis, Frans Kamsteeg, Harry Wels
Brill Open Access E-books The Acquisition of Africa (1870-1914) The Nature of International Law / Mieke van der Linden. Volume 20/8
Brill Open Access E-books Adat Atjèh, reproduced in facsimile from a manuscript in the India Office Library. With an introduction and notes by G. W. J. Drewes and P. Voorhoeve
Brill Open Access E-books Administration, prosopography and appointment policies in the Roman empire : proceedings of the First Workshop of the international network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 27 B.C.-A.D. 406), Leiden, June 28-July 1, 2000 ; edited by Lukas de Blois
Brill Open Access E-books Adult education policy and the European Union : theoretical and methodological perspectives / edited by Marcella Milana and John Holford
Brill Open Access E-books African cities and the development conundrum / edited by Carole Ammann, Till Forster
Brill Open Access E-books The African-Jamaican Aesthetic Cultural Retention and Transformation Across Borders / Lisa Tomlinson. Volume 196
Brill Open Access E-books After conversion : Iberia and the emergence of modernity / edited by Mercedes García-Arenal
Brill Open Access E-books Aging gracefully in the Renaissance : stories of later life from Petrarch to Montaigne / by Cynthia Skenazi
Brill Open Access E-books All things Arabia : Arabian identity and material culture / edited by Ileana Baird, Hülya Yağcıoğlu
Brill Open Access E-books Alternative pathways to sustainable development : lessons from Latin America / edited by Gilles Carbonnier, Humberto Campodónico, Sergio Tezanos Vázquez
Brill Open Access E-books Among digitized manuscripts : philology, codicology, paleography in a digital world / by L.W.C van Lit, O.P
Brill Open Access E-books Ancient manuscripts in digital culture : visualisation, data mining, communication / edited by David Hamidović, Claire Clivaz, Sarah Bowen Savant, in collaboration with Alessandra Marguerat
Brill Open Access E-books Ancient worlds in film and television : gender and politics / edited by Almut-Barbara Renger and Jon Solomon
Brill Open Access E-books Animal experimentation : working towards a paradigm change / edited by Kathrin Herrmann, Kimberley Jayne
Brill Open Access E-books Animal rationality : later medieval theories, 1250-1350 / by Anselm Oelze
Brill Open Access E-books Antillianen en Surinamers in Nederland, 1634/1667-1954 / Gert Oostindie en Emy Maduro