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Access this resource: ScienceDirect eBooks
Description ScienceDirect eBooks is a collection of titles covering the following subject areas: Agricultural & biological science, biochemistry, genetics & molecular biology, business, management, tourism & hospitality, engineering, environmental science, materials science, media technology, medicine & dentistry, psychology, chemistry, agriculture, and earth sciences.
Subject area Biological Science
  Information Technology
  Wildlife and Conservation Biology
  Forensic Science
  Engineering and Design
  Health Sciences and Allied Health
  Information Systems and Business Analytics
Database Help Science Direct tutorials
Other name Science Direct eBooks
  Elsevier e-books


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ScienceDirect eBooks 5G networks : planning, design and optimization / Christoher Larsson
ScienceDirect eBooks 5G NR : the next generation wireless access technology / Erik Dahlman, Stefan Parkvall, Johan Sköld
ScienceDirect eBooks 5G physical layer : principles, models and technology components
ScienceDirect eBooks ABC transporters : biochemical, cellular, and molecular aspects / edited by Suresh V. Ambudkar, Michael M. Gottesman
ScienceDirect eBooks Ableton Live 8 and Suite 8 : create, produce, perform / Keith Robinson
ScienceDirect eBooks Academic press library in signal processing. Volume 2, Communications and radar signal processing / editors, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos [and others]
ScienceDirect eBooks Academic press library in signal processing. Vol. 4, Image, video processing and analysis, hardware, audio, acoustic and speech processing / editors, Joel Trussell [and others]
ScienceDirect eBooks Academic Press Library in Signal Processing. Volume 1 / Theodoridis, Sergios
ScienceDirect eBooks Academic Press Library in signal processing. Volume 5, Image and video compression and multimedia / editors David R. Bull ... [and others]
ScienceDirect eBooks Accelerated bridge construction : best practices and techniques / Mohiuddin Ali Khan
ScienceDirect eBooks ACL injuries in female athletes / edited by Robin West, Brandon Bryant
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, 4th Edition / Jamie Angus
ScienceDirect eBooks Action analysis for animators / Chris Webster
ScienceDirect eBooks Active shooter : preparing for and responding to a growing threat / Kevin T. Doss, C. David Shepherd
ScienceDirect eBooks Acupuncture for IVF and assisted reproduction : an integrated approach to treatment and management / Irina Szmelskyj, Lianne Aquilina ; edited by Alan O. Szmelskyj
ScienceDirect eBooks Adapting High Hydrostatic Pressure (HPP) for Food Processing Operations
ScienceDirect eBooks Adaptive Identification and Control of Uncertain Systems with Non-smooth Dynamics
ScienceDirect eBooks Adaptive learning methods for nonlinear system modeling / edited by Danilo Comminiello, José C. Principe
ScienceDirect eBooks Adaptive sliding mode neural network control for nonlinear systems / edited by Yang Li, Jianhua Zhang, Qiong Wu
ScienceDirect eBooks Adapting to climate change in Europe : exploring sustainable pathways, from local measures to wider policies / edited by Hans Sanderson, Mikael Hildén, Duncan Russel, Gil Penha-Lopes, Alessio Capriolo