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SpringerOpen books 7th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Pyrometallurgy Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division (EPD) of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) held during TMS 2016 145th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Downtown Nashville, Tennessee, Music City Center / edited by Jiann-Yang Hwang [and more]
SpringerOpen books Abschlusspolitische Ergebnisspaltungen mit aufgegebenen Geschäftsbereichen nach IFRS 5 : Existenz und Prävention / von Kai Czupalla
SpringerOpen books The Academic Book of the Future
SpringerOpen books Accelerating Digitalization Chancen der Digitalisierung Erkennen und Nutzen
SpringerOpen books Accelerator-driven system at Kyoto University Critical Assembly / Cheol Ho Pyeon, editor
SpringerOpen books Access to online resources : a guide for the modern librarian / by Kristina Botyriute
SpringerOpen books Accounting and statistical analyses for sustainable development : multiple perspectives and information-theoretic complexity reduction / Claudia Lemke
SpringerOpen books Accountability in public policy partnerships / Julia Steets
SpringerOpen books Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement goals : global and regional 100% renewable energy scenarios with non-energy GHG pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C / Sven Teske, editor
SpringerOpen books Across the Sahara : tracks, trade and cross-cultural exchange in Libya / Klaus Braun, Jacqueline Passon, editors
SpringerOpen books Active Assisted Living : Anwendungsszenarien und LoÌ#x88;sungsansaÌ#x88;tze fuÌ#x88;r ein selbstbestimmtes Leben / herausgegeben von Marcel Sailer, Andreas Mahr
SpringerOpen books Actors and the Art of Performance: Under Exposure
SpringerOpen books Adaptive strategies for water heritage : past, present and future / Carola Hein, editor
SpringerOpen books Adhesive bonding of aircraft composite structures : non-destructive testing and quality assurance concepts / Welchy Leite Cavalcanti, Kai Brune, Michael Noeske, Konstantinos Tserpes, Wiesław M. Ostachowicz, Mareike Schlag, editors
SpringerOpen books Advancing culture of living with landslides. Volume 1, ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 / Kyoji Sassa, Matjaž Mikoš, Yueping Yin, editors
SpringerOpen books Advancing energy policy : lessons on the integration of social sciences and humanities / Chris Foulds, Rosie Robison, editors
SpringerOpen books Advancing human assessment : the methodological, psychological and policy contributions of ETS / Randy E. Bennett, Matthias von Davier, editors
SpringerOpen books Advances in assessment and modeling of earthquake loss / Sinan Akkar, Alper Ilki, Caglar Goksu, Mustafa Erdik, editors
SpringerOpen books Advances in crowdfunding : research and practice / Rotem Shneor, Liang Zhao, Björn-Tore Flåten, editors
SpringerOpen books Advances in discrete differential geometry / Alexander I. Bobenko, editor