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Book Cover
Author Dickison, William C.

Title Integrative plant anatomy / William C. Dickison
Published San Diego : Harcourt/Academic Press, ©2000


Description 1 online resource (xvii, 533 pages) : illustrations
Contents Anatomical Foundation of the Plant Body: An Overview. -- Plant Growth, Development, and Cellular Organization. -- Origin of the Primary Plant Body. -- Tissue Organization in Stems, Leaves, and Roots. -- Origin and Structure of the Secondary Plant Body. Evolutionary, Physiological, and Ecological Plant Anatomy. -- Evolution, and Systematics. -- Macromorphology. -- Structure and Function. -- Ecological Anatomy. -- Economic and Applied Plant Anatomy. -- Genetics and Plant Breeding. -- Defense Mechanisms and Structural Responses of Plants to Diseases, Pests, and Mechanical Injury. Herbs, Spices, and Drugs. -- Fibers, Fiber Products and Forage Fiber. -- Forensic Science and Animal Food Habits. -- Archeology, Anthropology, and Climatology. -- Properties, and the Utilization of Wood. -- The Arts and Antiques. -- General Anatomical References. -- Plant Anotomy and the World Wide Web. -- Glossary. -- Index
Summary From this modern and profusely illustrated book, the reader will learn not just the basics, which are amply reviewed, but also how plant anatomy is integrated with a wide variety of other disciplines, such as plant breeding, forensic analysis, medicine, food science, wood and fiber products, and the arts. The author presents the basic concepts and terminology of plant anatomy with a special emphasis on its significance and applications to other disciplines, and addresses the central role of anatomy by consolidating previously scattered information into a single volume. Integrative Plant Anatomy highlights the important contribution made by studying anatomy to the solutions of a number of present and future problems. It succeeds in integrating diverse areas of botany, as well as the non-biological sciences, the arts, and numerous other fields of human endeavor. * Presents both the classical and modern approaches to the subject * Teaches the importance of the subject to other disciplines such as the nonbiological sciences, the arts, and other fields of human endeavor * Written and organized to be useful to students and instructors, but also to be accessible and appealing to a general audience * Bridges the gap between conventional textbooks and comprehensive reference works * Includes key terms and extensive additional readings * Richly illustrated with line drawings and photographs
Analysis plantenanatomie
plant anatomy
Plant Anatomy
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 495-497)
Notes Print version record
Subject Plant anatomy.
SCIENCE -- Life Sciences -- Anatomy & Physiology.
Plant anatomy
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9780122151705