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Title Botany in Hawaiʻi Daniela Elliott
Published Minneapolis, MN Open Textbook Library
Pearl City, HI Leeward Community College 2022


Description 1 online resource
Series Open textbook library
Contents 1: Introduction To Plants -- 2: Roots -- 3: Stems -- 4: Leaves -- 5: Flowers, fruits and seeds -- 6: Plant evolution and non-vascular plants -- 7: Ferns and lycophytes -- 8: Gymnosperms -- 9: Angiosperms -- 10: Plants in Hawai'i
Summary "Botany in Hawai'i" discusses introductory topics of Botany through examples of the native and introduced plants found in Hawai'i. It includes anatomy and physiology of seeds, roots, leaves, stems, fruits and flowers and covers the main plant groups from nonvascular to flowering plants. This book provides a visual reference to botanical concepts and terminology for beginners
Notes Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
In English
Description based on print resource
Subject Science -- Textbooks
Biology -- Textbooks
Form Electronic book
Author Elliott, Daniela Dutra author
Velasquez, Paula Mejia author
Open Textbook Library distributor