Ch. 1. Scope of the Problem -- Ch. 2. Liability Risks of Psychotherapists -- Ch. 3. Scientific Basis of Memory -- Ch. 4. Risk Management: Diagnose Carefully -- Ch. 5. Risk Management: Conduct Good Psychotherapy -- Ch. 6. Documentation, Consultation, and Supervision -- Ch. 7. Public Policy Considerations -- Ch. 8. Conclusion -- App. A. Risk Management Checklist -- App. B. Statements That May Reflect Substandard Practices -- App. C. Sample Informed Consent Form -- App. D. Signals That May Suggest Distorted Memories -- App. E. Statement by the American Psychiatric Association -- App. F. Final Conclusions of the APA Working Group on Investigation of Memories of Childhood Abuse -- App. G. Statement by the British Psychological Society -- App. H. The Australian Psychological Society Limited Code of Professional Conduct and Guidelines Relating to Recovered Memories
Includes bibliographical references (pages 135-143) and indexes