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Title Antarctica in international law / edited by Ben Saul and Tim Stephens
Published Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2015


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
Description lxxii, 1062 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm
Series Documents in international law
Documents in international law.
Contents The Antarctic Treaty (adopted 1 December 1959, entered into force 23 June 1961, 402 UNTS 71) -- Chilean Report of the Proceedings during 1958 of the Preparatory Working Group for the Conference on Antarctica -- Chilean Report of the Proceedings during 1959 of the Preparatory Working Group for the Conference on Antarctica -- Statements by State Representatives at the Opening Plenary Session of the Conference on Antarctica, 15 October 1959 -- Conference on Antarctica Press Releases Nos. 1 to 5 -- Chilean Report of the Organisation of the Conference on Antarctica from 15 October-1 December 1959 -- Statements of the Contracting Parties made on 30 November 1959 Concerning Particular Articles of the Antarctic Treaty -- Statements by State Representatives at the Final Plenary Session of the Conference on Antarctica, 1 December 1959 -- Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS) (adopted 1 June 1972, entered into force 11 March 1978, 1080 UNTS 175) -- Report of the 1988 Meeting to Review the Operation of the CCAS (London, 12-16 September 1988) -- Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (adopted 20 May 1980, entered into force 7 April 1982, 1329 UNTS 47) -- Final Act of the Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, 20 May 1980 -- Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (adopted 2 June 1988, never entered into force) -- Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty ("Environmental Protocol") (adopted 4 October 1991, entered into force 14 January 1998, 30 ILM 1455 (1991)) --Environmental Protocol, Annex I: Environmental Impact Assessment -- Environmental Protocol, Annex II: Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora (amended version adopted by ATCM Measure 16 (2009)) -- Environmental Protocol, Annex III: Waste Disposal and Waste Management -- Environmental Protocol, Annex IV: Prevention of Marine Pollution -- Environmental Protocol, Annex V: Area Protection and Management -- Environmental Protocol, Annex VI: Liability Arising from Environmental Emergencies -- List of State Parties to the ATS Treaties -- Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) Measure 1 (2003): Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty -- ATCM Decision 1 (2003): Apportioning Contributions to the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty -- ATCM Decision 3 (2003), Annex: Staff Regulations for the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty -- ATCM Decision 4 (2003): Financial Regulations for the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty -- Headquarters Agreement for the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty between the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the Argentine Republic (adopted 10 May 2010) -- List of All Measures, Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by the ATCM (1961-2014) -- Thematic Index of All Measures, Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by the ATCM (1961-2014) -- Decision 1 (1995): Measures, Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations -- Decision 2 (2011), Annex 1: ATCM Revised Rules of Procedure -- Decision 2 (2011), Annex 1: Procedures for the Submission, Translation and Distribution of Documents for the ATCM and the CEP -- Recommendation I-I (1961): Exchange of Information on Scientific Programmes -- Recommendation I-II (1961): Exchange of Scientific Personnel -- Recommendation I-III (1961): Exchange of Scientific Data -- Recommendation I-IV (1961): Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research -- Recommendation I-V (1961): International Organizations -- Recommendation I-VI (1961): Exchange of Information -- Recommendation I-IX (1961): Historic Sites -- Recommendation I-X (1961): Assistance in Emergency -- Recommendation I-XI (1961): Telecommunications -- Recommendation I-XII (1961): Postal Services -- Recommendation I-XIII (1961): Exchange of Information on Nuclear Equipment and Techniques -- Recommendation III-VII (1964): Acceptance of Approved Recommendations -- Recommendation III-XI (1964): Pelagic Sealing and the Taking of Fauna on Pack Ice -- Recommendation IV-27 (1966): Effects of Antarctic Tourism -- Recommendation V-3 (1968): Southern Ocean -- Recommendation V-4 (1968): Historic Monuments -- Recommendation VI-5 (1970): Use of Radio-isotopes in the Antarctic -- Recommendation VI-6 (1970): Coordination of Antarctic Scientific Investigations Involving the Use of Radio-isotopes -- Recommendation VI-7 (1970): Effects of Tourists and Non-governmental Expeditions to the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Recommendation VII-2 (1972): Review of Specially Protected Areas -- Recommendation VII-4 (1972): Effects of Tourists and Non-government Expeditions in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Recommendation VII-6 (1972): Antarctic Resources: Effects of Mineral Exploration -- Recommendation VIII-3 (1975): Sites of Special Scientific Interest -- Recommendation VIII-6 (1975): Annual Exchanges of Information -- Recommendation VIII-7 (1975): Cooperation in Transport -- Recommendation VIII-8 (1975): Activities of States that are not Consultative Parties -- Recommendation VIII-10 (1975): Antarctic Marine Living Resources -- Recommendation VIII-12 (1975): Disposal of Nuclear Waste -- Recommendation IX-1 (1977): Antarctic Mineral Resources -- Recommendation X-8 (1979): Effects of Tourists and Nongovernment Expeditions in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Recommendation XI-3 (1981): Air Disaster on Mount Erebus -- Recommendation XII-6 (1983): Operation of the Antarctic Treaty System -- Recommendation XIII-1 (1985): Operation of the Antarctic Treaty System: Information -- Recommendation XIII-2 (1985): Operation of the Antarctic Treaty System: Overview -- Recommendation XIII-6 (1985): Facilitation of Scientific Research: Siting of Stations --
Recommendation XIV-3 (1987): Human Impact on the Antarctic Environment: Safeguards for Scientific Drilling -- Recommendation XV-5 (1989): Human Impact on the Antarctic Environment: Environmental Monitoring in Antarctica -- Recommendation XV-14 (1989): Promotion of International Scientific Cooperation: A Declaration -- Recommendation XV-20 (1989): Air Safety in Antarctica -- Recommendation XV-21 (1989): Uses of Antarctic Ice -- Recommendation XVIII-1 (1994): Tourism and Non-governmental Activities -- Resolution 2 (1995): Nuclear Waste Disposal -- Resolution 3 (1995): Reporting of Tourism and Non-governmental Activities -- Resolution 5 (1995): Antarctic Inspection Checklists -- Resolution 8 (1995): New Historic Sites and Monuments: Suggested Guidelines for the Designation of Historic Sites -- Resolution 9 (1995): Uniform Model for Management Plans -- Resolution 2 (1996): Aesthetic Values of Antarctica -- Resolution 4 (1996): Effective Management and Conservation of Historic Sites and Monuments -- Resolution 2 (1997): Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation (CEE): Methodology for Reviewing Activities for which a CEE has been Prepared -- Decision 2 (2002): Emblem of the Antarctic Treaty -- Decision 3 (2002): The Status of ATCM Recommendations -- Resolution 3 (2002): Support for CCAMLR and Action to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing for Dissostichus spp (toothfish) -- Resolution 1 (2003): The Inclusion of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1998) in Advices to Marines -- Resolution 4 (2003): Support for the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels -- Decision 4 (2004): Guidelines for Ships Operating in Arctic and Antarctic Ice-Covered Waters -- Resolution 1 (2004): Enhancing Prevention of Marine Pollution by Fishing Activities -- Resolution 3 (2004): Tourism and Non-governmental Activities: Enhanced Co-operation -- Resolution 4 (2004): Guidelines on Contingency Planning, Insurance and Other Matters for Tourist and Other Non-governmental Activities in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Decision 4 (2005): Consultative Party Status -- Resolution 7 (2005): Biological Prospecting in Antarctica -- Resolution 1 (2006): CCAMLR in the Antarctic Treaty System --Resolution 4 (2007): Ship-based Tourism in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 5 (2007): Tourism in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 6 (2008): Enhancing the Role of Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres with Search and Rescue Regions in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Measure 15 (2009): Landing of Persons from Passenger Vessels in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 2 (2009): Role and Place of COMNAP in the Antarctic Treaty System -- Resolution 7 (2009): General Principles of Antarctic Tourism -- Resolution 9 (2009): Collection and Use of Antarctic Biological Material -- Resolution 6 (2010): Improving the Co-ordination of Maritime Search and Rescue in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 7 (2010): Enhancement of Port State Control for Passenger Vessels Bound for the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 1 (2011): Strengthening Support for the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty -- Decision 1 (2012): Measures on Operational Matters Designated as No Longer Current -- Resolution 2 (2012): Cooperation on Questions Related to the Exercise of Jurisdiction in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 3 (2012): Improving Cooperation in Antarctica -- Resolution 7 (2012): Vessel Safety in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 9 (2012): The Assessment of Land-based Expeditionary Activities -- Resolution 10 (2012): Yachting Guidelines -- Resolution 11 (2012): Checklist for Visitors' In-Field Activities -- Resolution 1 (2013): Air Safety in Antarctica -- Resolution 4 (2013): Improved Collaboration on Search and Rescue (SAR) in Antarctica -- Resolution 5 (2013): International Cooperation in Cultural Projects about Antarctica -- Resolution 6 (2013): Biological Prospecting in Antarctica -- Decision 1 (2014): Measures on Operational Matters Designated as No Longer Current -- Resolution 5 (2014): Strengthening Cooperation in Hydrographic Surveying and Charting of Antarctic Waters -- Resolution 6 (2014): Toward a Risk-based Assessment of Tourism and Non-governmental Activities -- Scientific Commission on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Constitution (1958) -- Scientific Commission on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Memorandum of Association (2008) -- Scientific Commission on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Articles of Association (2008) -- National Membership of SCAR -- List of Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (SATCM) -- List of Antarctic Treaty Meetings of Experts (ATME) -- Washington Declaration on the International Polar Year and Polar Science (adopted 6 April 2009) -- List of All ATCM Measures, Decisions and Resolutions Related to CEP Issues (1998-2014) -- Thematic Index of All ATCM Measures, Decisions, and Resolutions Related to CEP Issues (1998-2014) -- ATCM Decision 2 (2011), Annex 2: CEP Revised Rules of Procedure -- Decision 4 (1998): Marine Protected Areas -- Resolution 1 (1998): National Responsibilities for Revising Management Plans of Antarctic Protected Areas -- Resolution 3 (1998): International Code of Safety for Ships in Polar Waters -- Decision 2 (1999): Guidelines for Antarctic Shipping and Related Activities -- Resolution 6 (1999): Adherence to the Environmental Protocol by Non-Consultative Parties -- Resolution 1 (2000): Guidelines for Implementation of the Framework for Protected Areas -- Resolution 3 (2001): Collection of Meteorites in Antarctica -- Resolution 5 (2001): Guidelines for Handling Pre-1958 Historic Remains Whose Existence or Present Location is Not Known -- Decision 1 (2002): Naming and Numbering System for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPAs) -- Measure 3 (2003): ASPAs System: Revised List of Historic Sites and Monuments -- Resolution 2 (2004): Guidelines for the Operation of Aircraft Near Concentrations of Birds in Antarctica -- Decision 9 (2005): Marine Protected Areas and Other Areas of Interest to CCAMLR -- Resolution 1 (2005): Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Circulation of Information -- Resolution 2 (2005): Practical Guidelines for Developing and Designing Environmental Monitoring Programs in Antarctica -- Resolution 3 (2005): Fuel Storage and Handling -- Resolution 4 (2005): Updating of EIA Guidelines -- Measure 4 (2006): De-listing of Fur Seals as Specially Protected Species -- Resolution 2 (2006): Resolution on Site Guidelines for Visitors -- Resolution 3 (2006): Ballast Water Exchange in the Antarctic Treaty Area -- Resolution 4 (2006): Conservation of Southern Giant Petrels -- Resolution 2 (2007): Conservation of Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus -- Resolution 3 (2007): Long-term Scientific Monitoring and Sustained Environmental Observation in Antarctica -- Resolution 3 (2008): Environmental Domains Analysis for the Antarctic Continent as a Dynamic Model for a Systematic Environmental Geographic Framework -- Resolution 4 (2008): Checklist to Assist in the Inspection of Antarctic Specially Protected Areas and Antarctic Specially Managed Areas -- Resolution 1 (2009): Urging Parties to Enhance Environmental Protection for the Antarctic Ecosystem Northward to the Antarctic Convergence -- Resolution 3 (2009): Guidelines for the Designation and Protection of Historic Sites and Monuments -- Resolution 5 (2009): Protection of the Southern Giant Petrel -- Resolution 3 (2010): Checklist A: Antarctic Stations and Subsidiary Installations -- Resolution 4 (2010): SCAR Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment Report
Resolution 2 (2011): Revised Guide to the Preparation of Management Plans for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas -- Resolution 3 (2011): General Guidelines for Visitors to the Antarctic -- Resolution 5 (2011): Revised Guide to the Presentation of Working Papers Containing Proposals for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas, Antarctic Specially Managed Areas or Historic Sites and Monuments -- Resolution 6 (2011): Non-native Species -- Resolution 6 (2012): Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic Regions -- Resolution 2 (2013): Antarctic Clean-up Manual -- Resolution 1 (2014): Fuel Storage and Handling -- Resolution 2 (2014): Cooperation, Facilitation, and Exchange of Meteorological and Related Oceanographic and Cryospheric Environmental Information -- Resolution 3 (2014): Supporting the Polar Code -- Resolution 4 (2014): Site Guidelines for Visitors -- Headquarters Agreement between the Commission and the Government of Australia (signed and entered into force 8 September 1986) -- Rules of Procedure of the Commission (1982) -- Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Committee (1983) -- Establishment of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) (1983) -- Financial Regulations of the CCAMLR (1982) -- Staff Regulations of the CCAMLR (1982) -- Standing Committee on Implementation and Compliance (SCIC) Terms of Reference and Organisation of Work (2002) -- Text of the CCAMLR System of Inspection (1988) -- Text of the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation (1992) -- Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data (2003) -- Rules for Access to Catch Documentation Scheme Data (2000) -- Policy to Enhance Cooperation between CCAMLR and Non-Contracting Parties (1999) -- Conservation Measure 10-01 (1998): Marking of Fishing Vessels and Fishing Gear -- Conservation Measure 10-02 (2013): Licensing and Inspection Obligations of Contracting Parties with regard to Their Flag Vessels Operating in the Convention Area -- Conservation Measure 10-03 (2013): Port Inspections of Fishing Vessels Carrying Antarctic Marine Living Resources -- Conservation Measure 10-04 (2013): Automated Satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) -- Conservation Measure 10-06 (2008): Scheme to Promote Compliance by Contracting Party Vessels with CCAMLR Conservation Measures -- Conservation Measure 10-07 (2009): Scheme to Promote Compliance by Non-Contracting Party Vessels with CCAMLR Conservation Measures -- Conservation Measure 10-08 (2009): Scheme to Promote Compliance by Contracting Party Nationals with CCAMLR Conservation Measures -- Conservation Measure 10-09 (2011): Notification System for Transshipments within the Convention Area -- Conservation Measure 10-10 (2012): CCAMLR Compliance Evaluation Procedure -- Resolution 10/XII (1993): Resolution on Harvesting of Stocks occurring both within and Outside the Convention Area -- Resolution 19/XXI (2002): Flags of Non-compliance -- Resolution 25/XXV (2006): Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Convention Area by the Flag Vessels of Non-Contracting Parties -- Resolution 28/XXVII (2008): Ballast Water Exchange in the Convention Area -- Resolution 32/XXIX (2010): Prevention, Deterrence and Elimination of IUU Fishing in the Convention Area -- Resolution 30/XXVIII (2009): Climate Change -- Resolution 31/XXVIII (2009): Best Available Science Category 25: Minimisation of Incidental Mortality -- Conservation Measure 25-02 (2012): Minimisation of the Incidental Mortality of Seabirds in the Course of Longline Fishing or Longline Fishing Research in the Convention Area -- Resolution 22/XXV (2006): International Actions to Reduce the Incidental Mortality of Seabirds Arising from Fishing Category 26: Environmental Protection -- Conservation Measure 26-01 (2009): General Environmental Protection During Fishing Category 31: General Measures -- Conservation Measure 31-01 (1986): Regulation of Fishing around South Georgia (Statistical Subarea 48.3) -- Conservation Measure 31-02 (2007): General Measure for the Closure of all Fisheries -- Resolution 20/XXII (2003): Ice-Strengthening Standards in High-latitude Fisheries -- Resolution 23/XXIII (2004): Safety On Board Vessels Fishing in the Convention Area -- Resolution 29/XXVIII (2009): Ratification of the Salvage Convention by Members of CCAMLR -- Resolution 34/XXXI (2012): Enhancing the Safety of Fishing Vessels in the Convention Area Category 32: Fishing Seasons, Closed Areas and Prohibition of Fishing -- Conservation Measure 32-01 (2001): Fishing Seasons -- Conservation Measure 32-02 (2012): Prohibition of Directed Fishing Category 33: By-catch Limits -- Conservation Measure 33-02 (2013): Limitation of By-catch in Statistical Division 58.5.2 in the 2013/14 Season -- Conservation Measure 33-03 (2013): Limitation of By-catch in New and Exploratory Fisheries in the 2013/14 Season Category -- Conservation Measure 91-01 (2004): Procedure for According Protection to CEMP Sites -- Conservation Measure 91-02 (2012): Protection of the Values of Antarctic Specially Managed and Protected Areas -- Conservation Measure 91-03 (2009): Protection of the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf -- Conservation Measure 91-04 (2011): General Framework for the Establishment of CCAMLR Marine Protected Areas -- Lists of Species-specific CCAMLR Measures in Force 2013-14 -- COMNAP Constitution (adopted 4 July 2008) -- COMNAP, Main Antarctic Facilities Operated by National Antarctic Programs in the Antarctic Treaty Area (South of 60° Latitude South) (15 May 2013) -- Australian Antarctic Data Centre, Map of Stations in Antarctica (September 2009) -- International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (adopted 2 December 1946, entered into force 10 November 1948, 161 UNTS 72) and Schedule (Containing the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary) -- Torremolinos Protocol 1993 relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels 1977, Annex, Chapter III (Stability and Associated Seaworthiness), Regulation 8: Ice Accretion -- Recommendation 2 of the Torremolinos Conference 1993: Guidance Relating to Ice Accretion (Regulation III/8) -- International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) (adopted 2 November 1973, entered into force 2 October 1983, 1340 UNTS 184), as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto -- Amendments to the Annex of the MARPOL Protocol of 1978, adding Chapter 9: Special Requirements for the Use or Carriage of Oils in the Antarctic Area (adopted 26 March 2010 by resolution MEPC.189(60), entered into force 1 August 2011) -- Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (adopted 10 May 1993, entered into force 20 May 1994, 1819 UNTS 359) -- Framework Agreement for the Conservation of the Living Marine Resources of the High Seas of the South Pacific (Galapagos Agreement) (adopted 14 August 2000, not yet in force) -- Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (adopted 19 June 2001, entered into force 1 February 2004, 2258 UNTS 257) -- Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (adopted 7 July 2006, entered into force 21 June 2012) -- Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean (adopted 14 November 2009, entered into force 24 August 2012) -- IMO Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels 2005, Part A, Appendix 10: Recommendation for Skippers of Fishing Vessels on Ensuring a Vessel's Endurance in Conditions of Ice Formation -- IMO Enhanced Contingency Planning Guidance for Passenger Ships Operating in Areas Remote from Search and Rescue (SAR) Facilities MSC.1/Circ.1184, 31 May 2006) -- IMO Guidelines on Voyage Planning for Passenger Ships Operating in Remote Areas (IMO Assembly resolution A.999(25), adopted 29 November 2007) -- IMO International Code Intact Stability (IMO Maritime Safety Committee resolution MSC.267(85), Annex, adopted 4 December 2008), under the SOLAS Convention and the 1988 Load Lines Protocol, Chapter 6: Icing Considerations -- IMO Guidelines for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (IMO Assembly resolution A.1024(26), adopted 2 December 2009) -- Resolution 38/77: Question of Antarctica (15 December 1983) -- Resolution 39/152: Question of Antarctica (17 December 1984) -- Resolution 40/156: Question of Antarctica (16 December 1985) -- Resolution 41/88: Question of Antarctica (4 December 1986)
Resolution 42/46: Question of Antarctica (30 November 1987) -- Resolution 43/83: Question of Antarctica (7 December 1988) -- Resolution 44/124: Question of Antarctica (15 December 1989) -- Resolution 45/78: Question of Antarctica (12 December 1990) -- Resolution 46/41: Question of Antarctica (6 December 1991) -- Resolution 47/57: Question of Antarctica (9 December 1992) -- Resolution 48/80: Question of Antarctica (16 December 1993) -- Resolution 49/80: Question of Antarctica (15 December 1994) -- Resolution 51/56: Question of Antarctica (10 December 1996) -- Resolution 54/45: Question of Antarctica (1 December 1999) -- Resolution 55/33: General and Complete Disarmament (12 January 2001): Nuclear Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas -- Resolution 57/51: Question of Antarctica (22 November 2002) -- Resolution 60/47: Question of Antarctica (8 December 2006) -- India, Explanatory Memorandum: Request for the Inclusion of an Item on Antarctica on the 11th Session of the UN General Assembly, 16 October 1956, UN Doc A/3118/Add.2 -- Chile, Memorandum Opposing the Indian Proposal, 4 October 1956 -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica: Physical, Legal, Political, Economic and Scientific Aspects, Study Requested under General Assembly Resolution 38/77, UN Doc A/39/583 (Part I) (31 October 1984), pp 13-38 and pp 44-71 -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica, UN Doc A/41/88 (8 October 1986) -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica: Addendum, UN Doc A/41/688/Add.1 (27 October 1986) -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica, UN Doc A/41/722 (17 November 1986), pp 8-19 and pp 29-37 -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica, UN Doc A/42/587 (30 September 1987) -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica, UN Doc A/43/564 (31 August 1988) -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica, UN A/44/586 (3 October 1989) -- Report of the Secretary-General, Question of Antarctica, UN Doc A/45/459 (8 September 1990) -- List of Further United Nations Documents -- Draft Agreement on Antarctica (United Nations Trusteeship), Prepared by the US Department of State, 9 June 1948 (US Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, vol. I, part 2, pp. 984-987) -- Draft Agreement on Antarctica (International Administration), Prepared by the US Department of State, 9 August 1948 (US Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, vol. I, part 2, pp. 997-1000) -- Antarctica (United Kingdom v Argentina) (Application Instituting Proceedings against the Argentine Republic) (1956) ICJ Reports 8 (May 1955) -- Argentine Letter to the International Court of Justice Embodying a Note Declining to Accept the Jurisdiction of the Court in Respect of the British Application (1 August 1955) -- Antarctica Case (United Kingdom v Argentina) (Order to Remove Case from the List) (1956) ICJ Reports 12 (16 March 1956) -- Antarctica Case (United Kingdom v Chile) (Order to Remove the Case from the List) (1956) ICJ Reports 15 (16 March 1956) -- Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v Japan, New Zealand intervening) ICJ, Judgment (31 March 2014) -- Beattie et al v United States (United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 31 December 1984, 756 F.2d 91, 244 US App DC 70) -- Antarctica Legal Status Case (German Federal Fiscal Court, 14 June 1991) -- Environmental Defense Fund, Inc v Massey (United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 29 January 1993, 986 F.2d 528) -- Smith v United States (United States Supreme Court, 8 March 1993, 507 U.S. 197) -- R v Pesquera Concar SA (Owners of The Antonio Lorenzo) (Falkland Islands, Magistrate's Court, 8 July 1996, 507 U.S. 197) -- Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Outline of Submissions as Amicus Curiae in the case of Humane Society International Inc v Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd (Federal Court of Australia, 25 January 2005) -- Humane Society International Inc v Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd [2005] FCA 664 (Federal Court of Australia, 27 May 2005) -- Humane Society International Inc v Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd[2006] FCAFC 116 (Federal Court of Australia (Full Court), 14 July 2006) -- Humane Society International Inc v Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd [2008] FCA 3 (Federal Court of Australia, 15 January 2008) -- Continental Shelf Submission of Australia: Executive Summary (15 November 2004) -- Note verbale from the USA on the Australian Submission (3 December 2004) -- Note verbale from Russia on the Australian Submission (9 December 2004) -- Note verbale from The Netherlands on the Australian Submission (31 March 2005) -- Note verbale from India on the Australian Submission (5 July 2005) -- Continental Shelf Submission of New Zealand: Note Accompanying Lodgement of Submission (19 April 2006) -- Note verbale from Japan on the New Zealand Submission (28 June 2006) -- Note verbale from The Netherlands on the New Zealand Submission (19 December 2006) -- Continental Shelf Submission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Note Accompanying Lodgement of Submission (9 May 2008) -- Note verbale from The Netherlands on the UK Submission (28 August 2009) -- Note verbale from Japan on the UK Submission (19 November 2009) -- Continental Shelf Submission of France: Note Accompanying Lodgement of Submission (5 February 2009) -- Note verbale from The Netherlands on the French Submission (28 August 2009) -- Note verbale from Japan on the French Submission (19 November 2009) -- Continental Shelf Submission of Argentina: Executive Summary (21 April 2009) -- Note verbale from the UK on the Argentine Submission (6 August 2009) -- Note verbale from the USA on the Argentine Submission (19 August 2009) -- Note verbale from Russia on the Argentine Submission (24 August 2009) --Note verbale from India on the Argentine Submission (31 August 2009) -- Note verbale from The Netherlands on the Argentine Submission (30 September 2009) -- Note verbale from Japan on the Argentine Submission (19 November 2009) -- Note verbale from Argentina: Response to the UK (8 August 2012) -- Note verbale from the UK: Response to Argentina (23 August 2012) -- Continental Shelf Submission of Norway: Executive Summary (4 May 2009) -- Norway, Note Accompanying Lodgement of Submission (4 May 2009) -- Note verbale from the USA on the Norwegian Submission (4 June 2009)
Note verbale from Russia on the Norwegian Submission (15 June 2009) -- Note verbale from India on the Norwegian Submission (31 August 2009) -- Note verbale from The Netherlands on the Norwegian Submission (30 September 2009) -- Note verbale from Japan on the Norwegian Submission (19 November 2009) -- Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Governments of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the French Republic, regarding Aerial Navigation in the Antarctic (adopted and entered into force 25 October 1938) -- Exchange of Notes (with Memorandum of Understandings constituting an Agreement regarding the Provision of Facilities in New Zealand for United States Antarctic Expeditions (adopted and entered into force 24 December 1958, 324 UNTS 111) -- Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement Extending the Operation of the Agreement between the Government of New Zealand and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Provision of Facilities in New Zealand for United States Antarctic Expeditions (adopted and entered into force 18 October 1960, 447 UNTS 356) -- New Zealand and Federal Republic of Germany: Exchange of Letters Constituting an Agreement Concerning Antarctic Co-operation (adopted and entered into force 26 June 1981, 1324 UNTS 299) -- Exchange of Letters Constituting Agreement between New Zealand and Sweden concerning Antarctic Cooperation (adopted and entered into force 3 June 1986, 1563 UNTS 357) -- Exchange of Letters Constituting an Agreement between New Zealand and Italy on Antarctic Cooperation (adopted 8 April 1987, entered into force 8 April 1987, 1675 UNTS 419) -- Agreement concerning Antarctic Cooperation between the Kingdom of Spain and the Argentine Republic (adopted 21 June 1991, entered into force 13 July 1992, 1686 UNTS 275) -- Treaty between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile on the Environment (adopted 2 August 1991, entered into force 17 November 1992, 1733 UNTS 201) -- Specific Additional Protocol on the Protection of the Antarctic Environment between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile (adopted 2 August 1991, entered into force 17 November 1992) -- Antarctic Cooperation Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Chile (adopted 22 December 1993, entered into force 18 May 1994, 1820 UNTS 281) -- Agreement on Antarctic Cooperation between the Government of New Zealand and the Government of the French Republic (adopted and entered into force 16 September 1994, 1866 UNTS 345) -- Agreement on Antarctic Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Chile and the Russian Federation (adopted 14 February 1995) (Spanish language version) -- Chilean Agreement with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to a Transfer to the Government of Chile of the Refuge "View Point Hut" located in Antarctica, Duse Bay, Trinity Peninsula (adopted 29 July 1996) (Spanish language version) -- Agreement on Scientific, Technologic and Logistic Cooperation in Antarctica between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the Republic of Peru (adopted 13 September 1996, entered into force 11 November 1996, 2113 UNTS 355) -- Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (adopted and entered into force 27 October 1997, 2568 UNTS 17) -- Antarctic Convention on Cooperation between the Governments of the Republic of Chile and the Republic of Italy (adopted 31 October 1997) (Spanish language version) -- Agreement concerning Antarctic Cooperation between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Peru (adopted 1 March 2001, entered into force 16 December 2002, 2636 UNTS 279) -- Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the Scheme of International Scientific Observation of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Living Marine Resources (adopted and entered into force 29 May 2001, 2154 UNTS 157) -- Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the Scheme of International Scientific Observation of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (adopted and entered into force 20 December 2001, 2395 UNTS 271) -- Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the Scheme of International Scientific Observation of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (adopted and entered into force 5 December 2002) -- Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the French Republic on Cooperation in the Maritime Areas Adjacent to the French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF), Heard Island and the McDonald Islands (adopted 24 November 2003, entered into force 1 February 2005, 2438 UNTS 253) -- Cooperation Agreement in Antarctic Scientific Materials between the Republic of Chile and the Republic of Ecuador (adopted 20 April 2004) (Spanish language version) -- Convention on Antarctic Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Chile and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria (adopted 3 January 2005) (Spanish language version) -- Agreement on Scientific Cooperation in the Antarctic between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Italian Republic (adopted 4 October 2005, entered into force 9 January 2007, 2515 UNTS 243) -- Memorandum of Understanding on Antarctic Cooperation between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of India (adopted and entered into force 5 July 2006, 2661 UNTS 97) -- Agreement on Cooperative Enforcement of Fisheries Laws between the Government of Australia and the Government of the French Republic in the Maritime Areas Adjacent to the French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Heard Island and the McDonald Islands (adopted 8 January 2007, entered into force 7 January 2011) -- Antarctic Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Chile and the Government of the Republic of India (adopted 21 April 2008) (Spanish language version) -- Agreement on Antarctic Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Chile and the Government of the Czech Republic (adopted 29 May 2009) (Spanish language version) -- Agreement concerning Antarctic Cooperation between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Czech Republic (adopted 2 March 2010, entered into force 8 April 2010) -- Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Chile and the Government of the Republic of Colombia on Cooperation on Antarctic Matters (adopted 16 August 2011) (Spanish language version) -- Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America on Cooperation in Antarctica (adopted 8 September 2012) -- Agreement between the Government of New Zealand and the Government of the Republic of Korea on Antarctic Cooperation (adopted 17 August 2012, entered into force 25 October 2012)
Summary "This book brings together the main primary international materials concerning the regulation and governance of Antarctica, including multilateral and bilateral treaties, United Nations materials, 'soft laws,' and judicial decisions"--Back cover
Notes Some pages also contain page numbers of original documents
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes In English with some documents in Spanish
SUBJECT Antarctic Treaty (1959 December 1)
Subject Environmental law, International.
Antarctic Regions -- International status.
Genre/Form Treaties.
Court decisions and opinions.
Author Saul, Ben, editor
Stephens, Tim (Law teacher), editor
LC no. 2015372721
ISBN 9781849467315 (paperback)
1849467315 (paperback)