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Streaming video

Title Special forces advisor
Published Washington D.C. : Army Pictorial Service, 1962


Description 1 online resource (29 min.)
Series Big picture ; episode 585
American history in video
Summary From the U.S. Army's The Big Picture television series, 1950-1975
"Night has closed in over the Zagreb Mountains of northern Iran. The sound of a plane is heard. Inside the plane Iranian Special Forces paratroopers prepare to jump into a maneuver area. There is a sense of urgency as last minute commands in Farsi are given by the lone American among them, a United State Army officer. How this officer, Captain Paul Wineman, is trained in the military and language skills needed for his urgent task overseas is the subject of this week's documentary. Camera crews followed Captain Wineman through training at Fort Bragg's Special Warfare School, the Army Language School at Monterey, California, and on to Iran. Here is a revealing insight into the way the Army trains men for special missions and few are as special as those of a Special Forces Advisor."--National Archives and Records Administration
Notes In English
Original language in English
Print version record
Subject Army Special Warfare School (U.S.)
Army Special Warfare School (U.S.)
Basic training (Military education)
Basic training (Military education)
Genre/Form documentary film.
Documentary films
Documentary television programs
Nonfiction films
Nonfiction television programs
Short films
Short films.
Documentary television programs.
Nonfiction television programs.
Nonfiction films.
Short films.
Documentary films.
Documentaires télévisés.
Émissions télévisées autres que de fiction.
Films autres que de fiction.
Courts métrages.
Form Streaming video
Author United States. Army Pictorial Center.
United States. Department of the Army.