Table of Contents |
Box 1:1 | 500 planes a day : a program for the utilization of the automobile industry for mass production of defense planes / Walter P. Reuther | |
Box 1:2 | Adjusting to technological and other change, 1970 / Canada Manpower Consultative Service Department of Manpower and Immigration | |
Box 1:3 | Aids to materials handling, [1970] / Australia Department of Labour and National Service | |
Box 1:4 | Allowances for fatigue : report number 2 of the Work Study Section Research Committee, 1959 / Australian Institute of Management, Melbourne Division | |
Box 1:5 | Apprentice training, 1963 / E. G. Sterland | |
Box 1:6 | Apprenticeship and changing conditions in industry / O. E. Nilsson | |
Box 1:7 | Atmospheric conditions in Australian textile mills, 1945 / Australia Department of Labour and National Service Industrial Welfare Division | |
Box 7:23 | Australia make it (souvenir programme), June 12th to June 21st, 1947 | |
Box 1:8 | Australia on wheels / Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries | |
Box 7:24 | Australian industrial fair : Souvenir Guide, Exhibition buildings, Melbourne, March 17th - April 2nd [1949] | |
Box 1:9 | Austria-Hungary : report on state encouragement to industry in Hungary, 1907 / Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Great Britain | |
Box 1:10 | Automation in North America : a report on visits to industrial, commercial and research establishments in the U.S.A. and Canada, 1958 / S. B. Bailey | |
Box 1:11 | Automation in the office, 1958 / Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations | |
Box 1:12 | Automation in the railroad industry : the twentieth century challenge to management and labor, 1957 / W. P. Kennedy | |
Box 1:13 | Automation : some classification and measurement problems, 1965 / P.E. Sultan | |
Box 1:14 | Better living! : the key is productivity / Institute of Public Affairs | |
Box 1:15 | Brisbane graving dock : one of the largest in the Southern Hemisphere, 1946 | |
Box 1 16: | British Waste Fibres Ltd. : re-worked wook manufacturers | |
Box 1:17 | Building Apprenticeship and Training Council : third report December 1946, 1947 | |
Box 1:18 | Campaign to raise productivity in British industry, [1955] / Australia Department of Labour and National Service | |
Box 1:19 | Canadian labour relations in an era of technological change, 1967 / Jean-Réal Cardin | |
Box 2:1 | Capacity for import replacement : an analysis of imports, a research study April, 1964 / Australian Industries Development Association | |
Box 2:2 | Case for staggered holidays : an IWS review of the current situation, 1963 / Industrial Welfare Society | |
Box 2:3 | CIO and the negro worker : together for victory, [194?] / Congress of Industrial Organizations | |
Box 2:4 | CIO's program for Latin America, 1950 / CIO Committee on Latin American Affairs | |
Box 7:22 | Commonwealth trades alphabet (Victorian Edition), 1922 | |
Box 7:18 | Concerning wool, [1943?] | |
Box 2:5 | Consolidation of Australian development / Ulrich Ellis | |
Box 2:6 | Disposal of trade effluent in England and Wales 1962 : a guide to present-day requirements for the disposal of trade effluent, 1962 / Federation of British Industries | |
Box 2:7 | Dust explosions in factories : a new vertical-tube test apparatus, 1959 / K. C. Brown | |
Box 2:8 | Dust hazards in Australian foundries, 1943 / A. A. Ross | |
Box 2:9 | Dust in steel foundries : first report of a committee..., 1944 / Factory Department Ministry of Labour & National Service | |
| | Box 2:10 | British co-operatives, a consumers' movement? : no. 4, 1964 | |
| | Box 2:11 | Butchers' shops, the customers' view : no. 6, 1964 | |
| | Box 2:12 | Fair trading, protecting consumers : no. 8, 1964 | |
Box 2:13 | Everywhere : original Schnorr Disc Springs | |
Box 2:14 | Experiment in industrial democracy : the results of fourteen years of self-government, [1930?] / William P. Hapgood | |
Box 2:15 | Facts of industry : the case for publicity, 1926 | |
Box 2:16 | Focus on automation : management information systems - the next vital step, 1965 / John Diebold | |
Box 2:17 | Foreman's place in industry, 1942 / John Storey | |
Box 2:18 | From sixth form to industry : report of a conference of schools and industry, 1963 / Federation of British Industries | |
Box 2:19 | Future of private industry, 1952 / Joan Mitchell | |
Box 2:20 | General rules for wiring for the utilisation of electrical energy, 1912 / Fire Underwriters' Association of Victoria | |
Box 7:27 | handbook of Australian bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, spikes, washers, electrical ironwork and other data / McPhersons Pty Ltd | |
Box 2:21 | Hints on welding / Ministry of Munitions, Commonwealth of Australia | |
Box 2:22 | Hiring procedures and selection standards in the San Francisco Bay area, 1955 / F. Theodore Malm | |
Box 2:23 | History of the gas industry and its control / C. Crofts | |
Box 2:24 | How apprenticeship can benefit you / State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards | |
Box 2:25 | Implications of the Crowther Report : report of the BACIE Spring Conference held at the Federation of British Industries, London 27 April 1960 / British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education | |
Box 2:26 | Implications of the shorter working week for management, 1962 / Hugh Clegg | |
Box 2:27 | In the automated office, 1964 / Trades Union Congress | |
Box7:26 | Industrial abrasives, 1949 / McPhersons Ltd | |
Box 3:1 | Industrial accidents sickness and other absences, 1962 / J. M. M. Hill | |
Box 3:2 | Industrial Britain : synopsis of twelve talks to be broadcast, 1934 / John Hilton | |
Box 3:3 | Industrial location : a geographical approach, 1959 / M. J. Wise | |
Box 3:4 | Industrial welfare and personnel management : journal of the Industrial Welfare Society, November 1941 | |
Box 3:5 | Industrialist looks at planning : an address to the Town and Country Planning Association, [194?] / H. W. Healy | |
Box 3:6 | Industry and the property owning democracy, 1954 / Russell Lewis | |
Box 3:7 | Industry and trade, [1932?] / Henry Clay | |
Box 3:8 | Industry : deadlock or destiny, 1967 / Lawson Wood | |
Box 3:9 | Informative labelling : the Swedish system, 1963 / Research Institute for Consumer Affairs | |
Box 3:10 | Inquiry into steelworks : industrial relations at Australian Iron & Steel Ltd. Port Kembla, final address to the inquiry, 1954 / E. Thornton | |
Box 3:11 | Invisible panel warming, 1951 / Invisible Panel Warming Association | |
Box 3:12 | Japanese paper mills, 1907 / Great Britain Foreign Office | |
Box 7:25 | Precision tools / McPhersons Pty Ltd | |
Box 3:13 | Know your sales people, 1951 / Johnson & Johnson | |
Box 3:14 | Labor-management production committees | |
| | Box 3:15 | Shift work and shift differentials in Canadian manufacturing industries : Report no. 2, 1961 | |
| | Box 3:16 | Sickness and accident provisions in Canadian industries : Report no. 3, 1961 | |
| | Box 3:17 | Vacations with pay 1951-1961 : Repport no. 4, 1963 | |
Box 3:18 | Let's discuss, 1962 / Labour-Management Co-Operation Service, Department of Labour, Canada | |
Box 3:19 | Lighting in factories and workshops, 5th ed. 1937 / Great Britain, Home Office | |
Box 3:20 | Machinery's technical books for engineers, [1951?] / Machinery Publishing Co. Ltd. | |
Box 7:19 | Made in South Australia : the making of glass bottles | |
Box 3:21 | Manpower consultative service, 1965 / Department of Labour, Canada | |
Box 3:22 | Measuring with a broken yardstick, 1957 / Irving Bernstein | |
Box 4:1 | Modern mechanization and its effects on the structure of society, 1933 / Sir Arthur Salter | |
Box7:20 | Mothproofing wool with "dieldrin", 1956 | |
Box 4:2 | Motivation : a manager's guide, 1983 / William A. Simpson | |
Box 4:3 | National manpower mobilization policy, 1951 / U.S. Department of Labor | |
| | Box 4:4 | Accountability to parliament : no. 1, 1950 | |
| | Box 4:5 | Powers of the minister : no. 2, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:6 | Problems of promotion policy : no. 3, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:7 | Men on the boards : a study of the composition of the boards of nationalised industry : no. 4, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:8 | Miner's pension : no. 5, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:9 | Extent of centralisation : a discussion based on a case study in the coal industry, part I : no. 6, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:10 | Extent of centralisation : a discussion based on a case study in the coal industry, part II : no. 7, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:11 | Future of the unions : no. 8, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:12 | Patterns of organisation : no. 9, 1951 | |
| | Box 4:13 | Framework of joint consultation : no. 10, 1952 | |
| | Box 4:14 | Worker's point of view : a discussion of 'reporting back' based on a study in a coalfield : no. 11, 1952 | |
| | Box 4:15 | Relations with the public : no. 12, 1953 | |
Box 5:1 | Natural lighting of industrial buildings : factory planning part II, 1948 / Industrial Welfare Division, Department of Labour and National Service, Commonwealth of Australia | |
Box 5:2 | New industry for Victoria : more employment - greater returns from native timbers | |
Box 5:3 | Occupational versatility and planned procrastination, 1961 / Alec Rodger | |
Box 5:4 | Oil and the germs of war, [192?] / Scott Nearing | |
Box 5:5 | Organizational structure and dynamics : a framework for theory, 1954 / E. Wight Bakke | |
Box 5:6 | Ownership and control of the electricity supply industry in Australia, 1956 / E. A. Boehm | |
Box 5:7 | Oxy acetylene welding, 1944 / Ministry of Munitions, Commonwealth of Australia | |
Box 5:8 | Oxy-acetylene welding and metal cutting / R. Barker | |
Box 7:14 | Peace in industry / Catholic Bishops of Australia | |
Box 5:9 | Personal factor in industrial management, 1943 / Sir Herbert Gepp | |
Box 5:10 | Perù : a sketch for capitalists, tradesmen and settlers : a report on the industries that can be developed and on those that might be introduced, [1903] / Department of Public Works, Lima-Peru | |
Box 5:11 | Physicists and their place in industry : a conference between business leaders and the university held at the University of Melbourne on 24th May, 1960 | |
Box 5:12 | Pioneer Sugar Mill - 100 years, [198?] | |
Box 5:13 | Post war problems, 1941 / Australian Industries Protection League | |
Box 5:14 | Power behind their wings : an account of the part played by the Bristol Aeroplane Company in the development of the air-cooled radial aero-engine in Great Britain, [1939?] | |
Box 5:15 | Power of natural gas | |
Box 5:16 | Pressure piling system : technical data on piled foundation and underpinning for rapid vibrationless construction and repairs | |
Box 5:17 | Problem of nationalization, 1921 / Viscount Haldane of Cloan | |
Box 5:18 | Problem of organisation and management in industry, 1942 / Frank S. Daley | |
Box 5:19 | Production engineering functions, 1944 / D. E. Callinan | |
Box 5:20 | Productivity / Department of Labour and National Service, Commonwealth of Australia | |
Box 5:22 | Quality : the TQM "how to" approach from NIES | |
Box 6:1 | Rating practices and procedures : report no. 3 Work Study Section Research Committee, 1960 / Australian Institute of Management | |
Box 6:2 | Reconstruction : a report by the Federation of British Industries | |
Box 6:3 | Recording and analysing : labour turnover in industry, 1947 / Industrial Welfare Division, Department of Labour and National Service, Commonwealth of Australia | |
Box 6:4 | Report of the New South Wales Board of Trade upon the rural industries and the question of a rural living wage : conclusions upon inquiry during 1920-1921, 1921 | |
Box 6:5 | Report upon lighting performance of safety lamps in coal mines in Lancashire and North Wales, 1946 / Ministry of Fuel and Power, Great Britain | |
Box 6:6 | Reports of the Industrial Fatigue Research Board : no. 1 - the influence of hours of work and of ventilation on output in tinplate manufacture, 1919 / Medical Research Committee | |
Box 6:7 | Reports of the Industrial Fatigue Research Board : no. 4 - the incidence of industrial accidents upon individuals with special reference to multiple accidents, 1919 / Medical Research Committee | |
| | Box 6:8 | Strengthening the research effort : no. 2, 1956 | |
Box 6:9 | Safe practices in factories / Department of Labour and Industry, Victoria | |
Box 6:10 | Safety speeds production : a message for supervisors, 1943 / United States Department of Labor, Division of Labor Standards | |
Box 6:11 | Scientific selection of personnel / K. S. Cunningham | |
Box 6:12 | Seafood industry's strategic plan for achieving seafood excellence, 1st ed. 1998 / SeaQual | |
Box 6:13 | Selection of welding electrodes, 1944 / Ministry of Munitions, Commonwealth of Australia | |
Box 6:14 | Shell research at Thornton / Shell Petroleum | |
Box 6:15 | Shorter work week : a report of the Department of Manufacture Committee, 1934 / Chamber of Commerce of the United States | |
Box 6:16 | Skill impact of automation, 1964 / Paul Sultan | |
Box 6:17 | Snowy Mountains Scheme 1949 - 1999 : the first 50 years - calendar of events, 2nd ed. | |
Box 6:18 | Socialisation of industry / Labour Party | |
Box 7:15 | Socialised industry, 1965 / G. H. Gray | |
Box 6:19 | Statement by Sir John Monash, Chairman, on the Melbourne Electric Supply Company Bill delivered in the Legislative Council Committee room, on Tuesday, 9th December, 1924 | |
Box 6:20 | Statement of views of local government on electricity control in N.S.W., 1950 / R. T. C. Storey | |
Box 7:16 | Statistics of Western Australia : non-rural primary industries 1968-69, 1971 / F. W. Sayer | |
Box 7:17 | Statistics of Western Australia : non-rural primary industries 1969-70, 1972 / W. M. Barlett | |
Box 6:21 | Steel square and its application to roofing / L. L. F. Roberts | |
Box 6:22 | Story of rubber / Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Australia) Limited | |
Box 6:23 | Studies in labour and capital no. v., 1923 / Federation of British Industries | |
Box 6:24 | Success story : in 15 fruitful years, [196?] / Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria | |
Box 6:25 | Supervisor's role in accident prevention, 1961 / Government Employees Compensation Branch, Department of Labour, Canada | |
Box 7:1 | Test and certification of intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and circuits, 1946 / Ministry of Fuel and Power, Great Britain | |
Box 7:2 | Three case studies in automation, 1957 / Political and Economic Planning | |
Box 7:3 | Trade effluent disposal and water supplies in Western Germany, 1962 / Federation of British Industries | |
Box 7:4 | Training for skilled occupations, 1962 / Department of Labour and National Service, Commonwealth of Australia | |
Box 7:5 | Training of executives with special reference to post-war industry / D. G. L. Wood | |
Box 7:6 | Two studies on hours of work, 1928 / Medical Research Council, Industrial Fatigue Research Board | |
Box 7:7 | Water and power from the Snowy Mountains Scheme | |
Box 7:8 | What automation means to you : a summary of the effects of the second industrial revolution on the American worker / Abraham Weiss | |
Box 7:9 | Who owns Australia? / J. N. Rawling | |
Box 7:10 | Wonthaggi coal mine dispute : statement by Railways Commissioners, 10th March, 1934 | |
Box 7:21 | Wool and the nation : a sketch of the wool industry in Australia, 1946 | |
Box 7:11 | Workers' participation in the ownership and control of industry, 1959 / Dr. Lloyd Ross | |
Box 7:12 | Workers' status in industry / Labour Party | |
Box 7:13 | You and automation : a study for group discussion, [195?] / South Australian Council of Social Service | |