Description |
1 online resource (1 audio file) |
Contents |
Gaudete! / Michael Engelhardt (4:56) -- Lead gently, Lord / Douglas Pew ; [text by] Paul Laurence Dunbar (4:27) -- Demon in my view / Jeffrey T. Horvath ; [text by] Edgar Allen Poe(4:19) -- Rough beast / Timothy C. Takach ; [text by] William Butler Yeats (5:05) -- Lux aeterna / Brian Schmidt (3:16) -- Wedding qawwali / A.R. Rhaman ; arranged Ethan Sperry (3:34) -- Night, veiled night / Anthony J. Maglione ; [text by] Rabindranath Tagore (7:44) -- Five ways to kill a man / Bob Chilcott ; [text by] Edwin Brock (5:32) -- The steady light / Reginald Unterseher ; [text by] Sheila Dunlop (2:25) -- Abraham Lincoln walks at midnight / Abbie Betinis ; [text by] Vachel Lindsay (4:59) -- Dedication / Richard Burchard ; [text by] Mark Twain (4:39) -- I have had singing / Ron Jeffers ; [text by] Ronald Blythe (2:05) -- Songs for the people / Jonathan Kolm ; [text by] Francis Ellen Watkins Harper (5:17) |
Notes |
For unaccompanied men's chorus, except for the 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th works work (accompanied by percussion ensemble), the 7th work (cello), the 10th work (piano, snare drum), and the 13th work (piano) |
Performer |
Miami University Men's Glee Club ; Jeremy D. Jones, conductor ; with Joe Atkinson, Daniel Brinson, Patrick Schoeppner, David Watkins, percussion ; William Buchsbaum, piano ; Pansy Change, cello |
Event |
Recorded 2015 May 18-23 Hall Auditorium, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio |
Notes |
Sung in English and Latin |
Hard copy version record |
Subject |
Choruses (Men's voices), Unaccompanied.
Choruses (Men's voices) with percussion ensemble
Choruses, Secular (Men's voices) with instrumental ensemble.
Choruses, Secular (Men's voices) with cello
Choruses, Secular (Men's voices) with piano.
Choruses (Men's voices), Unaccompanied.
Choruses (Men's voices) with percussion ensemble.
Choruses, Secular (Men's voices) with instrumental ensemble.
Choruses, Secular (Men's voices) with piano.
Genre/Form |
Streaming audio
Form |
Streaming audio
Author |
Sperry, Ethan, 1971- arranger of music
Jones, Jeremy D., conductor.
Buchsbaum, William, instrumentalist
Chang, Pansy, instrumentalist.
Atkinson, Joe (Percussionist), instrumentalist.
Brinson, Daniel, instrumentalist
Schoeppner, Patrick, instrumentalist
Watkins, David (Percussionist), instrumentalist.
Container of (work): Engelhardt, Michael, 1974-
Container of (work): Pew, Douglas.
Lead gently, Lord
Container of (work): Horvath, Jeffrey T., 1980-
Demon in my view
Container of (work): Takach, Timothy C.
Rough beast
Container of (work): Schmidt, Brian A., 1980-
Lux aeterna
Container of (work): Rahman, A. R.
Bombay dreams. Wedding qawwali
Container of (work): Maglione, Anthony, 1978-
Night, veiled night.
Container of (work): Chilcott, Bob.
Five ways to kill a man
Container of (work): Unterseher, Reginald.
Steady light
Container of (work): Betinis, Abbie, 1980-
Abraham Lincoln walks at midnight
Container of (work): Burchard, Richard, 1960-
Container of (work): Jeffers, Ron.
I have had singing
Container of (work): Kolm, Jonathan, 1977-
Songs for the people
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio). Men's Glee Club, singer.